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P.when('priceformatterJS').execute(function() {});
P.when('CustomerPopover').execute(function() {});
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// executeOnload will prevent fetching the resource until everything else on the page has loaded.
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var isAUI = typeof P === 'object' && typeof P.when === 'function';
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return b
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h.ue_t0), a.P.when("CSMPlugin").execute(function(a) {
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cnt: r,
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"-"), a.ue.tag(b)) : a.ue.tag("nofls"))
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e = 1
e && (b.e = 1);
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a.addEventListener("mousemove", d, !0)
}], b = 0; b < f.length; b++) g(f[b])
}, "csm-features")(ue_csm, window);
(function(a, e) {
function d(a) {
b && b("recordCounter", a.c, a.v)
var c = e.images,
b = a.csa && a.csa("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
c && c.length && a.ue.count("totalImages", c.length);
a.ue.cv.buffer && b && (a.ue.cv.buffer.forEach(d), a.ue.cv.buffer.push = d)
})(ue_csm, document);
(function(b) {
function c() {
var d = [];
a.log && a.log.isStub && a.log.replay(function(a) {
e(d, a)
a.clog && a.clog.isStub && a.clog.replay(function(a) {
e(d, a)
d.length && (a._flhs += 1, n(d), p(d))
function g() {
a.log && a.log.isStub && (a.onflush && a.onflush.replay && a.onflush.replay(function(a) {
}), a.onunload && a.onunload.replay && a.onunload.replay(function(a) {
}), c())
function e(d, b) {
var c = b[1],
f = b[0],
e = {};
a._lpn[c] = (a._lpn[c] || 0) + 1;
e[c] = f;
function n(b) {
q && (a._lpn.csm = (a._lpn.csm || 0) + 1, b.push({
csm: {
k: "chk",
f: a._flhs,
l: a._lpn,
s: "inln"
function p(a) {
if (h) a = k(a), b.navigator.sendBeacon(l, a);
else {
a = k(a);
var c = new b[f];
c.open("POST", l, !0);
c.setRequestHeader && c.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/plain");
function k(a) {
return JSON.stringify({
rid: b.ue_id,
sid: b.ue_sid,
mid: b.ue_mid,
mkt: b.ue_mkt,
sn: b.ue_sn,
reqs: a
var f = "XMLHttpRequest",
q = 1 === b.ue_ddq,
a = b.ue,
r = b[f] && "withCredentials" in new b[f],
h = b.navigator && b.navigator.sendBeacon,
l = "//" + b.ue_furl + "/1/batch/1/OE/",
m = b.ue_fci_ft || 5E3;
a && (r || h) &&
(a._flhs = a._flhs || 0, a._lpn = a._lpn || {}, a.attach && (a.attach("beforeunload", a.exec(g, "fcli-bfu")), a.attach("pagehide", a.exec(g, "fcli-ph"))), m && b.setTimeout(a.exec(c, "fcli-t"), m), a._ffci = a.exec(c))
(function(k, c) {
function l(a, b) {
return a.filter(function(a) {
return a.initiatorType == b
function f(a, c) {
if (b.t[a]) {
var g = b.t[a] - b._t0,
e = c.filter(function(a) {
return 0 !== a.responseEnd && m(a) < g
f = l(e, "script"),
h = l(e, "link"),
k = l(e, "img"),
n = e.map(function(a) {
return a.name.split("/")[2]
}).filter(function(a, b, c) {
return a && c.lastIndexOf(a) == b
q = e.filter(function(a) {
return a.duration < p
s = g - Math.max.apply(null, e.map(m)) < r | 0;
"af" == a && (b._afjs = f.length);
return a + ":" + [e[d], f[d], h[d], k[d], n[d], q[d], s].join("-")
function m(a) {
return a.responseEnd - (b._t0 - c.timing.navigationStart)
function n() {
var a = c[h]("resource"),
d = f("cf", a),
g = f("af", a),
a = f("ld", a);
delete b._rt;
b._ld = b.t.ld - b._t0;
b._art && b._art();
return [d, g, a].join("_")
var p = 20,
r = 50,
d = "length",
b = k.ue,
h = "getEntriesByType";
b._rre = m;
b._rt = c && c.timing && c[h] && n
})(ue_csm, window.performance);
(function(c, d) {
var b = c.ue,
a = d.navigator;
b && b.tag && a && (a = a.connection || a.mozConnection || a.webkitConnection) && a.type && b.tag("netInfo:" + a.type)
})(ue_csm, window);
(function(c, d) {
function h(a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a[d],
f = b.encode(e);
if (e[k]) {
var g = b.metaSep,
e = e[k],
l = b.metaPairSep,
h = [],
m = void 0;
for (m in e) e.hasOwnProperty(m) && h.push(m + "=" + e[m]);
e = h.join(l);
f += g + e
return c.join(b.resourceSep)
function s(a) {
var b = a[k] = a[k] || {};
b[t] || (b[t] = c.ue_mid);
b[u] || (b[u] = c.ue_sid);
b[f] || (b[f] = c.ue_id);
b.csm = 1;
a = "//" + c.ue_furl + "/1/" + a[v] + "/1/OP/" + a[w] + "/" + a[x] + "/" + h([a], y);
if (n) try {
n.call(d[p], a)
} catch (g) {
c.ue.sbf = 1, (new Image).src = a
} else(new Image).src =
function q() {
g && g.isStub && g.replay(function(a, b, c) {
a = a[0];
b = a[k] = a[k] || {};
b[f] = b[f] || c;
l.impression = s;
g = null
if (!(1 < c.ueinit)) {
var k = "metadata",
x = "impressionType",
v = "foresterChannel",
w = "programGroup",
t = "marketplaceId",
u = "session",
f = "requestId",
p = "navigator",
l = c.ue || {},
n = d[p] && d[p].sendBeacon,
r = function(a, b, c, d) {
return {
encode: d,
resourceSep: a,
metaSep: b,
metaPairSep: c
y = r("", "?", "&", function(a) {
return h(a.impressionData, z)
z = r("/", ":", ",", function(a) {
return a.featureName + ":" + h(a.resources,
A = r(",", "@", "|", function(a) {
return a.id
g = l.impression;
n ? q() : (l.attach("load", q), l.attach("beforeunload", q));
try {
d.P && d.P.register && d.P.register("impression-client", function() {})
} catch (B) {
c.ueLogError(B, {
logLevel: "WARN"
})(ue_csm, window);
var ue_pty = "Detail";
var ue_spty = "Kindle_HW";
var ue_pti = "B0BF75VM4T";
var ue_adb = 4;
var ue_adb_rtla = 1;
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(y, a) {
function t() {
if (d && f) {
var a;
a: {
try {
a = d.getItem(g);
break a
} catch (c) {}
a = void 0
if (a) return b = a, !0
return !1
function u() {
if (a.fetch) fetch(m).then(function(a) {
if (!a.ok) throw Error(a.statusText);
return a.text ? a.text() : null
}).then(function(b) {
b ? (-1 < b.indexOf("window.ue_adb_chk = 1") && (a.ue_adb_chk = 1), n()) : h()
else e.uels(m, {
onerror: h,
onload: n
function h() {
b = k;
if (f) try {
d.setItem(g, b)
} catch (a) {}
function n() {
b = 1 === a.ue_adb_chk ? p : k;
if (f) try {
} catch (c) {}
function q() {
a.ue_adb_rtla && c && 0 < c.ec && !1 === r && (c.elh = null, ueLogError({
m: "Hit Info",
fromOnError: 1
}, {
logLevel: "INFO",
adb: b
}), r = !0)
function l() {
e.isl && a.uex && uex("at", b);
s && s.updateCsmHit("adb", b);
c && 0 < c.ec ? q() : a.ue_adb_rtla && c && (c.elh = q)
function v() {
return b
if (a.ue_adb) {
a.ue_fadb = a.ue_fadb || 10;
var e = a.ue,
k = "adblk_yes",
p = "adblk_no",
m = "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/csm/showads.v2.js?category=ad&adstype=-ad-column-&ad_size=-housead-",
b = "adblk_unk",
a: {
try {
d = a.localStorage;
break a
} catch (z) {}
d = void 0
var g = "csm:adb",
c = a.ue_err,
s = e.cookie,
f = void 0 !== a.localStorage,
w = Math.random() > 1 - 1 / a.ue_fadb,
r = !1,
x = t();
w || !x ? u() : l();
a.ue_isAdb = v;
a.ue_isAdb.unk = "adblk_unk";
a.ue_isAdb.no = p;
a.ue_isAdb.yes = k
}, "adb")(document, window);
(function(c, l, m) {
function h(a) {
if (a) try {
if (a.id) return "//*[@id='" + a.id + "']";
var b, d = 1,
for (e = a.previousSibling; e; e = e.previousSibling) e.nodeName === a.nodeName && (d += 1);
b = d;
var c = a.nodeName;
1 !== b && (c += "[" + b + "]");
a.parentNode && (c = h(a.parentNode) + "/" + c);
return c
} catch (f) {
return "DETACHED"
function f(a) {
if (a && a.getAttribute) return a.getAttribute(k) ? a.getAttribute(k) : f(a.parentElement)
var k = "data-cel-widget",
g = !1,
d = [];
(c.ue || {}).isBF = function() {
try {
var a = JSON.parse(localStorage["csm-bf"] || "[]"),
b = 0 <= a.indexOf(c.ue_id);
a = a.slice(0, 20);
localStorage["csm-bf"] = JSON.stringify(a);
return b
} catch (d) {
return !1
c.ue_utils = {
getXPath: h,
getFirstAscendingWidget: function(a, b) {
c.ue_cel && c.ue_fem ? !0 === g ? b(f(a)) : d.push({
element: a,
callback: b
}) : b()
notifyWidgetsLabeled: function() {
if (!1 === g) {
g = !0;
for (var a = f, b = 0; b < d.length; b++)
if (d[b].hasOwnProperty("callback") && d[b].hasOwnProperty("element")) {
var c = d[b].callback,
e = d[b].element;
"function" === typeof c && "function" === typeof a && c(a(e))
d = null
extractStringValue: function(a) {
if ("string" ===
typeof a) return a
})(ue_csm, window, document);
(function(a) {
a.ue_cel || (a.ue_cel = function() {
function m(a, r) {
r ? r.r = u : r = {
r: u,
c: 1
D || (!ue_csm.ue_sclog && r.clog && b.clog ? b.clog(a, r.ns || s, r) : r.glog && b.glog ? b.glog(a, r.ns || s, r) : b.log(a, r.ns || s, r))
function n(a, b) {
"function" === typeof p && p("log", {
schemaId: t + ".RdCSI.1",
eventType: a,
clientData: b
}, {
ent: {
page: ["requestId"]
function c() {
var a = q.length;
if (0 < a) {
for (var r = [], c = 0; c < a; c++) {
var d = q[c].api;
d.ready() ? (d.on({
ts: b.d,
ns: s
}), g.push(q[c]), m({
k: "mso",
n: q[c].name,
t: b.d()
})) : r.push(q[c])
q = r
function f() {
if (!f.executed) {
for (var a =
0; a < g.length; a++) g[a].api.off && g[a].api.off({
ts: b.d,
ns: s
k: "eod",
t0: b.t0,
t: b.d()
}, {
c: 1,
il: 1
f.executed = 1;
for (a = 0; a < g.length; a++) q.push(g[a]);
g = [];
function B(a) {
k: "hrt",
t: b.d()
}, {
c: 1,
il: 1,
n: a
y = Math.min(w, e * y);
function z() {
A = k(function() {
}, y)
function x() {
f.executed || B()
var l = a.window,
k = l.setTimeout,
d = l.clearTimeout,
e = 1.5,
w = l.ue_cel_max_hrt || 3E4,
t = "robotdetection",
q = [],
g = [],
s = a.ue_cel_ns || "cel",
v, A, b = a.ue,
F = a.uet,
C = a.uex,
u = b.rid,
D = a.ue_dsbl_cel,
h = l.csa,
p, y =
l.ue_cel_hrt_int || 3E3,
E = l.requestAnimationFrame || function(a) {
h && (p = h("Events", {
producerId: t
if (b.isBF) m({
k: "bft",
t: b.d()
else {
"function" == typeof F && F("bb", "csmCELLSframework", {
wb: 1
k(c, 0);
if (b.onflush) b.onflush(x);
v = k(f, 6E5);
"function" == typeof C && C("ld", "csmCELLSframework", {
wb: 1
return {
registerModule: function(a, r) {
name: a,
api: r
k: "mrg",
n: a,
t: b.d()
reset: function(a) {
k: "rst",
t0: b.t0,
t: b.d()
q = q.concat(g);
g = [];
for (var r = q.length, e = 0; e < r; e++) q[e].api.off(),
u = a || b.rid;
v = k(f, 6E5);
f.executed = 0
timeout: function(a, b) {
return k(function() {
E(function() {
f.executed || a()
}, b)
log: m,
csaEventLog: n,
off: f
(function(a) {
a.ue_pdm || !a.ue_cel || a.ue.isBF || (a.ue_pdm = function() {
function m() {
try {
var b = d.screen;
if (b) {
var c = {
w: b.width,
aw: b.availWidth,
h: b.height,
ah: b.availHeight,
cd: b.colorDepth,
pd: b.pixelDepth
g && g.w === c.w && g.h === c.h && g.aw === c.aw && g.ah === c.ah && g.pd === c.pd && g.cd === c.cd || (g = c, g.t = t(), g.k = "sci", F(g), D && h("sci", {
h: (g.h || "0") + ""
var k = e.body || {},
f = e.documentElement || {},
n = {
w: Math.max(k.scrollWidth || 0, k.offsetWidth || 0, f.clientWidth || 0, f.scrollWidth || 0, f.offsetWidth || 0),
h: Math.max(k.scrollHeight ||
0, k.offsetHeight || 0, f.clientHeight || 0, f.scrollHeight || 0, f.offsetHeight || 0)
s && s.w === n.w && s.h === n.h || (s = n, s.t = t(), s.k = "doi", F(s));
w = a.ue_cel.timeout(m, q);
A += 1
} catch (p) {
d.ueLogError && ueLogError(p, {
attribution: "csm-cel-page-module",
logLevel: "WARN"
function n() {
x("ebl", "default", !1)
function c() {
x("efo", "default", !0)
function f() {
x("ebl", "app", !1)
function B() {
x("efo", "app", !0)
function z() {
d.setTimeout(function() {
e[E] ? x("ebl", "pageviz", !1) : x("efo", "pageviz", !0)
}, 0)
function x(a, b, c) {
v !== c && (F({
k: a,
t: t(),
s: b
}, {
ff: !0 === c ? 0 : 1
}), D && h(a, {
t: (t() || "0") + "",
s: b
v = c
function l() {
b.attach && (p && b.attach(y, z, e), G && P.when("mash").execute(function(a) {
a && a.addEventListener && (a.addEventListener("appPause", f), a.addEventListener("appResume", B))
}), b.attach("blur", n, d), b.attach("focus", c, d))
function k() {
b.detach && (p && b.detach(y, z, e), G && P.when("mash").execute(function(a) {
a && a.removeEventListener && (a.removeEventListener("appPause", f), a.removeEventListener("appResume", B))
}), b.detach("blur", n, d), b.detach("focus",
c, d))
var d = a.window,
e = a.document,
w, t, q, g, s, v = null,
A = 0,
b = a.ue,
F = a.ue_cel.log,
C = a.uet,
u = a.uex,
D = d.csa,
h = a.ue_cel.csaEventLog,
p = !!b.pageViz,
y = p && b.pageViz.event,
E = p && b.pageViz.propHid,
G = d.P && d.P.when;
"function" == typeof C && C("bb", "csmCELLSpdm", {
wb: 1
return {
on: function(a) {
q = a.timespan || 500;
t = a.ts;
a = d.location;
k: "pmd",
o: a.origin,
p: a.pathname,
t: t()
"function" == typeof u && u("ld", "csmCELLSpdm", {
wb: 1
off: function(a) {
b.count && b.count("cel.PDM.TotalExecutions", A)
ready: function() {
return e.body &&
a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log
reset: function() {
g = s = null
}(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule("page module", a.ue_pdm))
(function(a) {
a.ue_vpm || !a.ue_cel || a.ue.isBF || (a.ue_vpm = function() {
function m() {
var a = z(),
b = {
w: k.innerWidth,
h: k.innerHeight,
x: k.pageXOffset,
y: k.pageYOffset
c && c.w == b.w && c.h == b.h && c.x == b.x && c.y == b.y || (b.t = a, b.k = "vpi", c = b, e(c, {
clog: 1
}), s && v("vpi", {
t: (c.t || "0") + "",
h: (c.h || "0") + "",
y: (c.y || "0") + "",
w: (c.w || "0") + "",
x: (c.x || "0") + ""
f = 0;
x = z() - a;
l += 1
function n() {
f || (f = a.ue_cel.timeout(m, B))
var c, f, B, z, x = 0,
l = 0,
k = a.window,
d = a.ue,
e = a.ue_cel.log,
w = a.uet,
t = a.uex,
q = d.attach,
g = d.detach,
s = k.csa,
v = a.ue_cel.csaEventLog;
"function" == typeof w && w("bb", "csmCELLSvpm", {
wb: 1
return {
on: function(a) {
z = a.ts;
B = a.timespan || 100;
q && (q("scroll", n), q("resize", n));
"function" == typeof t && t("ld", "csmCELLSvpm", {
wb: 1
off: function(a) {
g && (g("scroll", n), g("resize", n));
d.count && (d.count("cel.VPI.TotalExecutions", l), d.count("cel.VPI.TotalExecutionTime", x), d.count("cel.VPI.AverageExecutionTime", x / l))
ready: function() {
return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log
reset: function() {
c = void 0
getVpi: function() {
return c
}(), a.ue_cel &&
a.ue_cel.registerModule("viewport module", a.ue_vpm))
(function(a) {
if (!a.ue_fem && a.ue_cel && a.ue_utils) {
var m = a.ue || {},
n = a.window,
c = n.document;
!m.isBF && !a.ue_fem && c.querySelector && n.getComputedStyle && [].forEach && (a.ue_fem = function() {
function f(a, b) {
return a > b ? 3 > a - b : 3 > b - a
function B(a, b) {
var c = n.pageXOffset,
d = n.pageYOffset,
a: {
try {
if (a) {
var e = a.getBoundingClientRect(),
g, m = 0 === a.offsetWidth && 0 === a.offsetHeight;
c: {
for (var h = a.parentNode, p = e.left || 0, w = e.top || 0, q = e.width || 0, s = e.height || 0; h && h !== document.body;) {
var l;
d: {
try {
var r = void 0;
if (h) var t = h.getBoundingClientRect(),
r = {
x: t.left || 0,
y: t.top || 0,
w: t.width || 0,
h: t.height || 0
else r = void 0;
l = r;
break d
} catch (I) {}
l = void 0
var u = window.getComputedStyle(h),
v = "hidden" === u.overflow,
x = v || "hidden" === u.overflowX,
y = v || "hidden" === u.overflowY,
z = w + s - 1 < l.y + 1 || w + 1 > l.y + l.h - 1;
if ((p + q - 1 < l.x + 1 || p + 1 > l.x + l.w - 1) && x || z && y) {
g = !0;
break c
h = h.parentNode
g = !1
k = {
x: e.left + c || 0,
y: e.top + d || 0,
w: e.width || 0,
h: e.height || 0,
d: (m || g) | 0
} else k = void 0;
break a
} catch (J) {}
k = void 0
if (k && !a.cel_b) a.cel_b = k, D({
n: a.getAttribute(A),
w: a.cel_b.w,
h: a.cel_b.h,
d: a.cel_b.d,
x: a.cel_b.x,
y: a.cel_b.y,
t: b,
k: "ewi",
cl: a.className
}, {
clog: 1
else {
if (c = k) c = a.cel_b, d = k, c = d.d === c.d && 1 === d.d ? !1 : !(f(c.x, d.x) && f(c.y, d.y) && f(c.w, d.w) && f(c.h, d.h) && c.d === d.d);
c && (a.cel_b = k, D({
n: a.getAttribute(A),
w: a.cel_b.w,
h: a.cel_b.h,
d: a.cel_b.d,
x: a.cel_b.x,
y: a.cel_b.y,
t: b,
k: "ewi"
}, {
clog: 1
function z(d, e) {
var f;
f = d.c ? c.getElementsByClassName(d.c) : d.id ? [c.getElementById(d.id)] : c.querySelectorAll(d.s);
d.w = [];
for (var g = 0; g < f.length; g++) {
var h = f[g];
if (h) {
if (!h.getAttribute(A)) {
var l = h.getAttribute("cel_widget_id") ||
(d.id_gen || u)(h, g) || h.id;
h.setAttribute(A, l)
k(Q, h, e)
}!1 === C && (F++, F === b.length && (C = !0, a.ue_utils.notifyWidgetsLabeled()))
function x(a, b) {
h.contains(a) || D({
n: a.getAttribute(A),
t: b,
k: "ewd"
}, {
clog: 1
function l(a) {
K.length && ue_cel.timeout(function() {
if (s) {
for (var b = R(), c = !1; R() - b < g && !c;) {
for (c = S; 0 < c-- && 0 < K.length;) {
var d = K.shift();
T[d.type](d.elem, d.time)
c = 0 === K.length
}, 0)
function k(a, b, c) {
type: a,
elem: b,
time: c
function d(a, c) {
for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
for (var e =
b[d].w || [], h = 0; h < e.length; h++) k(a, e[h], c)
function e() {
M || (M = a.ue_cel.timeout(function() {
M = null;
var c = v();
d(W, c);
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) k(X, b[e], c);
0 === b.length && !1 === C && (C = !0, a.ue_utils.notifyWidgetsLabeled());
}, q))
function w() {
M || N || (N = a.ue_cel.timeout(function() {
N = null;
var a = v();
d(Q, a);
}, q))
function t() {
return y && E && h && h.contains && h.getBoundingClientRect && v
var q = 50,
g = 4.5,
s = !1,
v, A = "data-cel-widget",
b = [],
F = 0,
C = !1,
u = function() {},
D = a.ue_cel.log,
h, p, y, E, G = n.MutationObserver || n.WebKitMutationObserver ||
r = !!G,
H, I, O = "DOMAttrModified",
L = "DOMNodeInserted",
J = "DOMNodeRemoved",
N, M, K = [],
U = 0,
S = null,
W = "removedWidget",
X = "updateWidgets",
Q = "processWidget",
T, V = n.performance || {},
R = V.now && function() {
return V.now()
} || function() {
return Date.now()
"function" == typeof uet && uet("bb", "csmCELLSfem", {
wb: 1
return {
on: function(d) {
function k() {
if (t()) {
T = {
removedWidget: x,
updateWidgets: z,
processWidget: B
if (r) {
var a = {
attributes: !0,
subtree: !0
H = new G(w);
I = new G(e);
H.observe(h, a);
I.observe(h, {
childList: !0,
subtree: !0
I.observe(p, a)
} else y.call(h, O, w), y.call(h, L, e), y.call(h, J, e), y.call(p, L, w), y.call(p, J, w);
h = c.body;
p = c.head;
y = h.addEventListener;
E = h.removeEventListener;
v = d.ts;
b = a.cel_widgets || [];
S = d.bs || 5;
m.deffered ? k() : m.attach && m.attach("load", k);
"function" == typeof uex && uex("ld", "csmCELLSfem", {
wb: 1
s = !0
off: function() {
t() && (I && (I.disconnect(), I = null), H && (H.disconnect(), H = null), E.call(h, O, w), E.call(h, L, e), E.call(h, J, e), E.call(p, L, w), E.call(p, J, w));
m.count && m.count("cel.widgets.batchesProcessed",
s = !1
ready: function() {
return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log
reset: function() {
b = a.cel_widgets || []
}(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_fem && a.ue_cel.registerModule("features module", a.ue_fem))
(function(a) {
!a.ue_mcm && a.ue_cel && a.ue_utils && !a.ue.isBF && (a.ue_mcm = function() {
function m(a, d) {
var e = a.srcElement || a.target || {},
f = {
k: n,
w: (d || {}).ow || (B.body || {}).scrollWidth,
h: (d || {}).oh || (B.body || {}).scrollHeight,
t: (d || {}).ots || c(),
x: a.pageX,
y: a.pageY,
p: l.getXPath(e),
n: e.nodeName
z && "function" === typeof z.now && a.timeStamp && (f.dt = (d || {}).odt || z.now() - a.timeStamp, f.dt = parseFloat(f.dt.toFixed(2)));
a.button && (f.b = a.button);
e.href && (f.r = l.extractStringValue(e.href));
e.id && (f.i = e.id);
e.className && e.className.split &&
(f.c = e.className.split(/\s+/));
x(f, {
c: 1
var n = "mcm",
c, f = a.window,
B = f.document,
z = f.performance,
x = a.ue_cel.log,
l = a.ue_utils;
return {
on: function(k) {
c = k.ts;
a.ue_cel_stub && a.ue_cel_stub.replayModule(n, m);
f.addEventListener && f.addEventListener("mousedown", m, !0)
off: function(a) {
f.addEventListener && f.removeEventListener("mousedown", m, !0)
ready: function() {
return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log
reset: function() {}
}(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule("mouse click module", a.ue_mcm))
(function(a) {
a.ue_mmm || !a.ue_cel || a.ue.isBF || (a.ue_mmm = function(m) {
function n(a, b) {
var c = {
x: a.pageX || a.x || 0,
y: a.pageY || a.y || 0,
t: l()
!b && p && (c.t - p.t < B || c.x == p.x && c.y == p.y) || (p = c, u.push(c))
function c() {
if (u.length) {
F = H.now();
for (var a = 0; a < u.length; a++) {
var c = u[a],
d = a;
y = u[h];
E = c;
var e = void 0;
if (!(e = 2 > d)) {
e = void 0;
a: if (u[d].t - u[d - 1].t > f) e = 0;
else {
for (e = h + 1; e < d; e++) {
var g = y,
k = E,
l = u[e];
G = (k.x - g.x) * (g.y - l.y) - (g.x - l.x) * (k.y - g.y);
if (G * G / ((k.x - g.x) * (k.x - g.x) + (k.y - g.y) * (k.y - g.y)) > z) {
e = 0;
break a
e = 1
e = !e
}(r =
e) ? h = d - 1: D.pop();
C = H.now() - F;
s = Math.min(s, C);
v = Math.max(v, C);
A = (A * b + C) / (b + 1);
b += 1;
k: x,
e: D,
min: Math.floor(1E3 * s),
max: Math.floor(1E3 * v),
avg: Math.floor(1E3 * A)
}, {
c: 1
u = [];
D = [];
h = 0
var f = 100,
B = 20,
z = 25,
x = "mmm1",
l, k, d = a.window,
e = d.document,
w = d.setInterval,
t = a.ue,
q = a.ue_cel.log,
g, s = 1E3,
v = 0,
A = 0,
b = 0,
F, C, u = [],
D = [],
h = 0,
p, y, E, G, r, H = m && m.now && m || Date.now && Date || {
now: function() {
return (new Date).getTime()
return {
on: function(a) {
l = a.ts;
k = a.ns;
t.attach && t.attach("mousemove", n, e);
g = w(c, 3E3)
off: function(a) {
k &&
(p && n(p, !0), c());
t.detach && t.detach("mousemove", n, e)
ready: function() {
return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log
reset: function() {
u = [];
D = [];
h = 0;
p = null
}(window.performance), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule("mouse move module", a.ue_mmm))
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(b, c) {
var e = function() {},
f = function() {
return {
send: function(b, d) {
if (d && b) {
var a;
if (c.XDomainRequest) a = new XDomainRequest, a.onerror = e, a.ontimeout = e, a.onprogress = e, a.onload = e, a.timeout = 0;
else if (c.XMLHttpRequest) {
if (a = new XMLHttpRequest, !("withCredentials" in a)) throw "";
} else a = void 0;
if (!a) throw "";
a.open("POST", b, !0);
a.setRequestHeader && a.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/plain");
isSupported: !0
g = function() {
return {
send: function(c, d) {
if (c && d)
if (navigator.sendBeacon(c,
d)) b.ue_sbuimp && b.ue && b.ue.ssw && b.ue.ssw("eelsts", "scs");
else throw "";
isSupported: !!navigator.sendBeacon && !(c.cordova && c.cordova.platformId && "ios" == c.cordova.platformId)
b.ue._ajx = f;
b.ue._sBcn = g
}, "Transportation-clients")(ue_csm, window);
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(b, k) {
function B() {
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var c = arguments[a];
try {
var g;
if (c.isSupported) {
var f = u.buildPayload(l, e);
g = c.send(K, f)
} else throw dummyException;
return g
} catch (d) {}
a = {
m: "All supported clients failed",
attribution: "CSMSushiClient_TRANSPORTATION_FAIL",
f: "sushi-client.js",
logLevel: "ERROR"
C(a, k.ue_err_chan || "jserr");
b.ue_err.buffer && b.ue_err.buffer.push(a)
function m() {
if (e.length) {
for (var a = 0; a < n.length; a++) n[a]();
B(d._sBcn || {}, d._ajx || {});
e = [];
h = {};
l = {};
v = w = r = x = 0
function L() {
var a = new Date,
c = function(a) {
return 10 > a ? "0" + a : a
return Date.prototype.toISOString ? a.toISOString() : a.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + c(a.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + c(a.getUTCDate()) + "T" + c(a.getUTCHours()) + ":" + c(a.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + c(a.getUTCSeconds()) + "." + String((a.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1E3).toFixed(3)).slice(2, 5) + "Z"
function y(a) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(a)
} catch (c) {}
return null
function D(a, c, g, f) {
var q = !1;
f = f || {};
if (s == E) {
var p = {
m: "Max number of Sushi Logs exceeded",
f: "sushi-client.js",
logLevel: "ERROR",
attribution: "CSMSushiClient_MAX_CALLS"
C(p, k.ue_err_chan || "jserr");
b.ue_err.buffer && b.ue_err.buffer.push(p)
if (p = !(s >= E))(p = a && -1 < a.constructor.toString().indexOf("Object") && c && -1 < c.constructor.toString().indexOf("String") && g && -1 < g.constructor.toString().indexOf("String")) || M++;
p && (d.count && d.count("Event:" + g, 1), a.producerId = a.producerId || c, a.schemaId = a.schemaId || g, a.timestamp = L(), c = Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date, g = Math.random().toString().substring(2, 12), a.messageId = b.ue_id + "-" +
c + "-" + g, f && !f.ssd && (a.sessionId = a.sessionId || b.ue_sid, a.requestId = a.requestId || b.ue_id, a.obfuscatedMarketplaceId = a.obfuscatedMarketplaceId || b.ue_mid), (c = y(a)) ? (c = c.length, (e.length == N || r + c > O) && m(), r += c, a = {
data: u.compressEvent(a)
}, e.push(a), (f || {}).n ? 0 === F ? m() : v || (v = k.setTimeout(m, F)) : w || (w = k.setTimeout(m, P)), q = !0) : q = !1);
!q && b.ue_int && console.error("Invalid JS Nexus API call");
return q
function G() {
if (!H) {
for (var a = 0; a < z.length; a++) z[a]();
for (a = 0; a < n.length; a++) n[a]();
e.length && (b.ue_sbuimp && b.ue &&
b.ue.ssw && (a = y({
dct: l,
evt: e
}), b.ue.ssw("eeldata", a), b.ue.ssw("eelsts", "unk")), B(d._sBcn || {}));
H = !0
function I(a) {
function J(a) {
var E = 1E3,
N = 499,
O = 524288,
t = function() {},
d = b.ue || {},
C = d.log || t,
Q = b.uex || t;
(b.uet || t)("bb", "ue_sushi_v1", {
wb: 1
var K = b.ue_surl || "https://unagi-na.amazon.com/1/events/com.amazon.csm.nexusclient.gamma",
R = ["messageId", "timestamp"],
A = "#",
e = [],
h = {},
l = {},
r = 0,
x = 0,
M = 0,
s = 0,
z = [],
n = [],
H = !1,
v, w, F = void 0 === b.ue_hpsi ? 1E3 : b.ue_hpsi,
P = void 0 === b.ue_lpsi ? 1E4 : b.ue_lpsi,
u = function() {
function a(a) {
h[a] = A + x++;
l[h[a]] = a;
return h[a]
function c(b) {
if (!(b instanceof Function)) {
if (b instanceof Array) {
for (var f = [], d = b.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) f[e] = c(b[e]);
return f
if (b instanceof Object) {
f = {};
for (d in b) b.hasOwnProperty(d) && (f[h[d] ? h[d] : a(d)] = -1 === R.indexOf(d) ? c(b[d]) : b[d]);
return f
return "string" === typeof b && (b.length > (A + x).length || b.charAt(0) === A) ? h[b] ? h[b] : a(b) : b
return {
compressEvent: c,
buildPayload: function() {
return y({
cs: {
dct: l
events: e
(function() {
if (d.event && d.event.isStub) {
if (b.ue_sbuimp &&
b.ue && b.ue.ssw) {
var a = b.ue.ssw("eelsts").val;
if (a && "unk" === a && (a = b.ue.ssw("eeldata").val)) {
var c;
a: {
try {
c = JSON.parse(a);
break a
} catch (g) {}
c = null
c && c.evt instanceof Array && c.dct instanceof Object && (e = c.evt, l = c.dct, e && l && (m(), b.ue.ssw("eeldata", "{}"), b.ue.ssw("eelsts", "scs")))
d.event.replay(function(a) {
a[3] = a[3] || {};
a[3].n = 1;
D.apply(this, a)
d.onSushiUnload.replay(function(a) {
d.onSushiFlush.replay(function(a) {
d.attach("beforeunload", G);
d.attach("pagehide", G);
d._cmps = u;
d.event =
d.event.reset = function() {
s = 0
d.onSushiUnload = I;
d.onSushiFlush = J;
try {
k.P && k.P.register && k.P.register("sushi-client", t)
} catch (S) {
b.ueLogError(S, {
logLevel: "WARN"
Q("ld", "ue_sushi_v1", {
wb: 1
}, "Nxs-JS-Client")(ue_csm, window);
ue_csm.ue_unrt = 1500;
(function(d, b, t) {
function u(a, g) {
var c = a.srcElement || a.target || {},
b = {
k: v,
t: g.t,
dt: g.dt,
x: a.pageX,
y: a.pageY,
p: e.getXPath(c),
n: c.nodeName
a.button && (b.b = a.button);
c.type && (b.ty = c.type);
c.href && (b.r = e.extractStringValue(c.href));
c.id && (b.i = c.id);
c.className && c.className.split && (b.c = c.className.split(/\s+/));
h += 1;
e.getFirstAscendingWidget(c, function(a) {
b.wd = a;
d.ue.log(b, r)
function w(a) {
if (!x(a.srcElement || a.target)) {
m += 1;
n = !0;
var g = f = d.ue.d(),
p && "function" === typeof p.now && a.timeStamp && (c = p.now() -
a.timeStamp, c = parseFloat(c.toFixed(2)));
s = b.setTimeout(function() {
u(a, {
t: g,
dt: c
}, y)
function z(a) {
if (a) {
var b = a.filter(A);
a.length !== b.length && (q = !0, k = d.ue.d(), n && q && (k && f && d.ue.log({
k: B,
t: f,
m: Math.abs(k - f)
}, r), l(), q = !1, k = 0))
function A(a) {
if (!a) return !1;
var b = "characterData" === a.type ? a.target.parentElement : a.target;
if (!b || !b.hasAttributes || !b.attributes) return !1;
var c = {
"class": "gw-clock gw-clock-aria s-item-container-height-auto feed-carousel using-mouse kfs-inner-container".split(" "),
id: ["dealClock",
"deal_expiry_timer", "timer"
role: ["timer"]
d = !1;
Object.keys(c).forEach(function(a) {
var e = b.attributes[a] ? b.attributes[a].value : "";
(c[a] || "").forEach(function(a) {
-1 !== e.indexOf(a) && (d = !0)
return d
function x(a) {
if (!a) return !1;
var b = (e.extractStringValue(a.nodeName) || "").toLowerCase(),
c = (e.extractStringValue(a.type) || "").toLowerCase(),
d = (e.extractStringValue(a.href) || "").toLowerCase();
a = (e.extractStringValue(a.id) || "").toLowerCase();
var f = "checkbox color date datetime-local email file month number password radio range reset search tel text time url week".split(" ");
if (-1 !== ["select", "textarea", "html"].indexOf(b) || "input" === b && -1 !== f.indexOf(c) || "a" === b && -1 !== d.indexOf("http") || -1 !== ["sitbreaderrightpageturner", "sitbreaderleftpageturner", "sitbreaderpagecontainer"].indexOf(a)) return !0
function l() {
n = !1;
f = 0;
function C() {
b.ue.onunload(function() {
ue.count("armored-cxguardrails.unresponsive-clicks.violations", h);
ue.count("armored-cxguardrails.unresponsive-clicks.violationRate", h / m * 100 || 0)
if (b.MutationObserver && b.addEventListener && Object.keys &&
d && d.ue && d.ue.log && d.ue_unrt && d.ue_utils) {
var y = d.ue_unrt,
r = "cel",
v = "unr_mcm",
B = "res_mcm",
p = b.performance,
e = d.ue_utils,
n = !1,
f = 0,
s = 0,
q = !1,
k = 0,
h = 0,
m = 0;
b.addEventListener && (b.addEventListener("mousedown", w, !0), b.addEventListener("beforeunload", l, !0), b.addEventListener("visibilitychange", l, !0), b.addEventListener("pagehide", l, !0));
b.ue && b.ue.event && b.ue.onSushiUnload && b.ue.onunload && C();
(new MutationObserver(z)).observe(t, {
childList: !0,
attributes: !0,
characterData: !0,
subtree: !0
})(ue_csm, window, document);
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(g, e) {
if (e.ue_err) {
var f = "";
e.ue_err.errorHandlers || (e.ue_err.errorHandlers = []);
name: "fctx",
handler: function(a) {
if (!a.logLevel || "FATAL" === a.logLevel)
if (f = g.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerHTML) {
var b = f.indexOf("var ue_t0=ue_t0||+new Date();");
if (-1 !== b) {
var b = f.substr(0, b).split(String.fromCharCode(10)),
d = Math.max(b.length - 10 - 1, 0),
b = b.slice(d, b.length - 1);
a.fcsmln = d + b.length + 1;
a.cinfo = a.cinfo || {};
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) a.cinfo[d + c + 1 + ""] =
b = f.split(String.fromCharCode(10));
a.cinfo = a.cinfo || {};
if (!(a.f || void 0 === a.l || a.l in a.cinfo))
for (c = +a.l - 1, d = Math.max(c - 5, 0), c = Math.min(c + 5, b.length - 1); d <= c; d++) a.cinfo[d + 1 + ""] = b[d]
}, "fatals-context")(document, window);
(function(m, b) {
function c(k) {
function f(a) {
a && "string" === typeof a && (a = (a = a.match(/^(?:https?:)?\/\/(.*?)(\/|$)/i)) && 1 < a.length ? a[1] : null, a && a && ("number" === typeof e[a] ? e[a]++ : e[a] = 1))
function d(a) {
var e = 10,
d = +new Date;
a && a.timeRemaining ? e = a.timeRemaining() : a = {
timeRemaining: function() {
return Math.max(0, e - (+new Date - d))
for (var c = b.performance.getEntries(), k = e; g < c.length && k > n;) c[g].name && f(c[g].name), g++, k = a.timeRemaining();
g >= c.length ? h(!0) : l()
function h(a) {
if (!a) {
a = m.scripts;
var c;
if (a)
for (var d =
0; d < a.length; d++)(c = a[d].getAttribute("src")) && "undefined" !== c && f(c)
0 < Object.keys(e).length && (p && ue_csm.ue && ue_csm.ue.event && (a = {
domains: e,
pageType: b.ue_pty || null,
subPageType: b.ue_spty || null,
pageTypeId: b.ue_pti || null
}, ue_csm.ue_sjslob && (a.lob = ue_csm.ue_lob || "0"), ue_csm.ue.event(a, "csm", "csm.CrossOriginDomains.2")), b.ue_ext = e)
function l() {
!0 === k ? d() : b.requestIdleCallback ? b.requestIdleCallback(d) : b.requestAnimationFrame ? b.requestAnimationFrame(d) : b.setTimeout(d, 100)
function c() {
if (b.performance &&
b.performance.getEntries) {
var a = b.performance.getEntries();
!a || 0 >= a.length ? h(!1) : l()
} else h(!1)
var e = b.ue_ext || {};
b.ue_ext || c();
return e
function q() {
setTimeout(c, r)
var s = b.ue_dserr || !1,
p = !0,
n = 1,
r = 2E3,
g = 0;
b.ue_err && s && (b.ue_err.errorHandlers || (b.ue_err.errorHandlers = []), b.ue_err.errorHandlers.push({
name: "ext",
handler: function(b) {
if (!b.logLevel || "FATAL" === b.logLevel) {
var f = c(!0),
d = [],
for (h in f) {
var f = h,
g = f.match(/amazon(\.com?)?\.\w{2,3}$/i);
g && 1 < g.length || -1 !== f.indexOf("amazon-adsystem.com") ||
-1 !== f.indexOf("amazonpay.com") || -1 !== f.indexOf("cloudfront-labs.amazonaws.com") || d.push(h)
b.ext = d
b.ue && b.ue.isl ? c() : b.ue && ue.attach && ue.attach("load", q)
})(document, window);
var ue_wtc_c = 3;
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(b, e) {
function l() {
for (var a = 0; a < f.length; a++) a: for (var d = s.replace(A, f[a]) + g[f[a]] + t, c = arguments, b = 0; b < c.length; b++) try {
break a
} catch (e) {}
g = {};
f = [];
n = 0;
k = p
function u() {
B ? l(q) : l(C, q)
function v(a, m, c) {
if (r > w) d.count && 1 == r - w && (d.count("WeblabTriggerThresholdReached", 1), b.ue_int && console.error("Number of max call reached. Data will no longer be send"));
else {
var h = c || {};
h && -1 < h.constructor.toString().indexOf(D) && a && -1 < a.constructor.toString().indexOf(x) && m && -1 <
m.constructor.toString().indexOf(x) ? (h = b.ue_id, c && c.rid && (h = c.rid), c = h, a = encodeURIComponent(",wl=" + a + "/" + m), 2E3 > a.length + p ? (2E3 < k + a.length && u(), void 0 === g[c] && (g[c] = "", f.push(c)), g[c] += a, k += a.length, n || (n = e.setTimeout(u, E))) : b.ue_int && console.error("Invalid API call. The input provided is over 2000 chars.")) : d.count && (d.count("WeblabTriggerImproperAPICall", 1), b.ue_int && console.error("Invalid API call. The input provided does not match the API protocol i.e ue.trigger(String, String, Object)."))
function F() {
d.trigger &&
d.trigger.isStub && d.trigger.replay(function(a) {
v.apply(this, a)
function y() {
z || (f.length && l(q), z = !0)
var t = ":1234",
s = "//" + b.ue_furl + "/1/remote-weblab-triggers/1/OE/" + b.ue_mid + ":" + b.ue_sid + ":PLCHLDR_RID$s:wl-client-id%3DCSMTriger",
E = b.wtt || 1E4,
p = s.length + t.length,
w = b.mwtc || 2E3,
G = 1 === e.ue_wtc_c,
B = 3 === e.ue_wtc_c,
H = e.XMLHttpRequest && "withCredentials" in new e.XMLHttpRequest,
x = "String",
D = "Object",
d = b.ue,
g = {},
f = [],
k = p,
n, z = !1,
r = 0,
C = function() {
return {
send: function(a) {
if (H) {
var b = new e.XMLHttpRequest;
b.open("GET", a, !0);
G && (b.withCredentials = !0);
} else throw "";
q = function() {
return {
send: function(a) {
(new Image).src = a
e.encodeURIComponent && (d.attach && (d.attach("beforeunload", y), d.attach("pagehide", y)), F(), d.trigger = v)
}, "client-wbl-trg")(ue_csm, window);
(function(k, d, h) {
function f(a, c, b) {
a && a.indexOf && 0 === a.indexOf("http") && 0 !== a.indexOf("https") && l(s, c, a, b)
function g(a, c, b) {
a && a.indexOf && (location.href.split("#")[0] != a && null !== a && "undefined" !== typeof a || l(t, c, a, b))
function l(a, c, b, e) {
m[b] || (e = u && e ? n(e) : "N/A", d.ueLogError && d.ueLogError({
message: a + c + " : " + b,
logLevel: v,
stack: "N/A"
}, {
attribution: e
}), m[b] = 1, p++)
function e(a, c) {
if (a && c)
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) try {
} catch (d) {}
function q() {
return d.performance && d.performance.getEntriesByType ?
d.performance.getEntriesByType("resource") : []
function n(a) {
if (a.id) return "//*[@id='" + a.id + "']";
var c;
c = 1;
var b;
for (b = a.previousSibling; b; b = b.previousSibling) b.nodeName == a.nodeName && (c += 1);
b = a.nodeName;
1 != c && (b += "[" + c + "]");
a.parentNode && (b = n(a.parentNode) + "/" + b);
return b
function w() {
var a = h.images;
a && a.length && e(a, function(a) {
var b = a.getAttribute("src");
f(b, "img", a);
g(b, "img", a)
function x() {
var a = h.scripts;
a && a.length && e(a, function(a) {
var b = a.getAttribute("src");
f(b, "script", a);
g(b, "script", a)
function y() {
var a = h.styleSheets;
a && a.length && e(a, function(a) {
if (a = a.ownerNode) {
var b = a.getAttribute("href");
f(b, "style", a);
g(b, "style", a)
function z() {
if (A) {
var a = q();
e(a, function(a) {
f(a.name, a.initiatorType)
function B() {
e(q(), function(a) {
g(a.name, a.initiatorType)
function r() {
var a;
a = d.location && d.location.protocol ? d.location.protocol : void 0;
"https:" == a && (z(), w(), x(), y(), B(), p < C && setTimeout(r, D))
var s = "[CSM] Insecure content detected ",
t = "[CSM] Ajax request to same page detected ",
v = "WARN",
m = {},
p = 0,
D = k.ue_nsip || 1E3,
C = 5,
A = 1 == k.ue_urt,
u = !0;
ue_csm.ue_disableNonSecure || (d.performance && d.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize && d.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize(300), r())
})(ue_csm, window, document);
var ue_aa_a = "";
if (ue.trigger && (ue_aa_a === "C" || ue_aa_a === "T1")) {
(function(f, b) {
function g() {
try {
b.PerformanceObserver && "function" === typeof b.PerformanceObserver && (a = new b.PerformanceObserver(function(b) {
}), a.observe(d))
} catch (h) {
function m() {
for (var h = d.entryTypes, a = 0; a < h.length; a++) c(b.performance.getEntriesByType(h[a]))
function c(a) {
if (a && Array.isArray(a)) {
for (var c = 0, e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var d = l.indexOf(a[e].name);
if (-1 !== d) {
var g = Math.round(b.performance.timing.navigationStart + a[e].startTime);
f.uet(n[d], void 0, void 0, g);
l.length ===
c && k()
function k() {
a && a.disconnect && "function" === typeof a.disconnect && a.disconnect()
if ("function" === typeof f.uet && b.performance && "object" === typeof b.performance && b.performance.getEntriesByType && "function" === typeof b.performance.getEntriesByType && b.performance.timing && "object" === typeof b.performance.timing && "number" === typeof b.performance.timing.navigationStart) {
var d = {
entryTypes: ["paint"]
l = ["first-paint", "first-contentful-paint"],
n = ["fp", "fcp"],
try {
m(), g()
} catch (p) {
f.ueLogError(p, {
logLevel: "ERROR",
attribution: "performanceMetrics"
})(ue_csm, window);
if (window.csa) {
csa("Events")("setEntity", {
page: {
pageType: "Detail",
subPageType: "Kindle_HW",
pageTypeId: "B0BF75VM4T"
csa.plugin(function(c) {
var m = "transitionStart",
n = "pageVisible",
e = "PageTiming",
t = "visibilitychange",
s = "$latency.visible",
i = c.global,
r = (i.performance || {}).timing,
a = ["navigationStart", "unloadEventStart", "unloadEventEnd", "redirectStart", "redirectEnd", "fetchStart", "domainLookupStart", "domainLookupEnd", "connectStart", "connectEnd", "secureConnectionStart", "requestStart", "responseStart", "responseEnd", "domLoading", "domInteractive", "domContentLoadedEventStart", "domContentLoadedEventEnd", "domComplete", "loadEventStart", "loadEventEnd"],
u = c.config,
o = i.Math,
l = o.max,
g = o.floor,
d = i.document || {},
f = (r || {}).navigationStart,
v = f,
p = 0,
S = null;
if (i.Object.keys && [].forEach && !u["KillSwitch." + e]) {
if (!r || null === f || f <= 0 || void 0 === f) return c.error("Invalid navigation timing data: " + f);
S = new E({
schemaId: ".PageLatency.6",
producerId: "csa"
}), "boolean" != typeof d.hidden && "string" != typeof d.visibilityState || !d.removeEventListener ? c.emit(s) : b() ? (c.emit(s), I(n, f)) : c.on(d, t, function e() {
b() && (v = c.time(), d.removeEventListener(t, e), I(m, v), I(n, v), c.emit(s))
}), c.once("$unload", h), c.once("$load", h), c.on("$pageTransition", function() {
v = c.time()
}), c.register(e, {
mark: I,
instance: function(e) {
return new E(e)
function E(e) {
var i, r = null,
a = e.ent || {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
o = e.logger || c("Events", {
producerId: e.producerId,
lob: u.lob || "0"
if (!e || !e.producerId || !e.schemaId) return c.error("The producer id and schema Id must be defined for PageLatencyInstance.");
function d() {
return i || v
function n() {
r = c.UUID()
this.mark = function(n, t) {
if (null != n) return t = t || c.time(), n === m && (i = t), c.once(s, function() {
o("log", {
messageId: r,
__merge: function(e) {
e.markers[n] = function(e, n) {
return l(0, n - (e || v))
}(d(), t), e.markerTimestamps[n] = g(t)
markers: {},
markerTimestamps: {},
navigationStartTimestamp: d() ? new Date(d()).toISOString() : null,
schemaId: e.schemaId
}, {
ent: a
}), t
}, n(), c.on("$beforePageTransition", n)
function I(e, n) {
e === m && (v = n);
var t = S.mark(e, n);
c.emit("$timing:" + e, t)
function h() {
if (!p) {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) r[a[e]] && I(a[e], r[a[e]]);
p = 1
function b() {
return !d.hidden || "visible" === d.visibilityState
csa.plugin(function(u) {
var f, c, l = "length",
a = "parentElement",
t = "target",
i = "getEntriesByName",
e = "perf",
n = null,
r = "_csa_flt",
o = "_csa_llt",
s = "previousSibling",
d = "visuallyLoaded",
g = "client",
h = "offset",
m = "scroll",
p = "Width",
v = "Height",
y = g + p,
E = g + v,
S = h + p,
b = h + v,
x = m + p,
O = m + v,
_ = "_osrc",
w = "_elt",
L = "_eid",
T = 10,
I = 5,
N = 15,
k = 100,
B = u.global,
H = u.timeout,
W = B.Math,
Y = W.max,
C = W.floor,
F = W.ceil,
M = B.document || {},
R = M.body || {},
V = M.documentElement || {},
$ = B.performance || {},
P = ($.timing || {}).navigationStart,
X = Date.now,
D = Object.values || (u.types || {}).ovl,
J = u("PageTiming"),
j = u("SpeedIndexBuffers"),
q = [],
Q = [],
U = [],
z = [],
A = [],
G = [],
K = .1,
Z = .1,
ee = 0,
ne = 0,
te = !0,
ie = 0,
re = 0,
oe = 1 == u.config["SpeedIndex.ForceReplay"],
ae = 0,
fe = 1,
ue = 0,
ce = {},
le = [],
se = 0,
de = {
buffered: 1
function ge(e) {
u.global.ue_csa_ss_tag || u.emit("$csmTag:" + e, 0, de)
function he() {
for (var e = X(), n = 0; f;) {
if (0 !== f[l]) {
if (!1 !== f.h(f[0]) && f.shift(), n++, !oe && n % T == 0 && X() - e > I) break
} else f = f.n
ee = 0, f && (ee || (!0 === M.hidden ? (oe = 1, he()) : u.timeout(he, 0)))
function me(e, n, t, i, r) {
ue = C(e), q = n, Q = t, U = i, G = r;
var o = M.createTreeWalker(M.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, null),
a = {
w: B.innerWidth,
h: B.innerHeight,
x: B.pageXOffset,
y: B.pageYOffset
M.body[w] = e, z.push({
w: o,
vp: a
}), A.push({
img: M.images,
iter: 0
}), q.h = pe, (q.n = Q).h = ve, (Q.n = U).h = ye, (U.n = z).h = Ee, (z.n = A).h = Se, (A.n = G).h = be, f = q, he()
function pe(e) {
e.m.forEach(function(e) {
for (var n = e; n && (e === n || !n[r] || !n[o]);) n[r] || (n[r] = e[r]), n[o] || (n[o] = e[o]), n[w] = n[r] - P, n = n[s]
function ve(e) {
e.m.forEach(function(e) {
var n = e[t];
_ in n || (n[_] = e.oldValue)
function ye(n) {
n.m.forEach(function(e) {
e[t][w] = n.t - P
function Ee(e) {
for (var n, t = e.vp, i = e.w, r = T;
(n = i.nextNode()) && 0 < r;) {
r -= 1;
var o = (n[a] || {}).nodeName;
"SCRIPT" !== o && "STYLE" !== o && "NOSCRIPT" !== o && "BODY" !== o && 0 !== (n.nodeValue || "").trim()[l] && Le(n[a], xe(n), t)
return !n
function Se(e) {
for (var n = {
w: B.innerWidth,
h: B.innerHeight,
x: B.pageXOffset,
y: B.pageYOffset
}, t = T; e.iter < e.img[l] && 0 < t;) {
var i, r = e.img[e.iter],
o = we(r),
a = o && xe(o) || xe(r);
o ? (o[w] = a, i = _e(o.querySelector('[aria-posinset="1"] img') || r) || a, r = o) : i = _e(r) || a, re && c < i && (i = a), Le(r, i, n), e.iter += 1, t -= 1
return e.img[l] <= e.iter
function be(e) {
var n = [],
i = 0,
r = 0,
o = ne,
t = B.innerHeight || Y(R[O] || 0, R[b] || 0, V[E] || 0, V[O] || 0, V[b] || 0),
a = C(e.y / k),
f = F((e.y + t) / k);
le.slice(a, f).forEach(function(e) {
(e.elems || []).forEach(function(e) {
e.lt in n || (n[e.lt] = {}), e.id in n[e.lt] || (i += (n[e.lt][e.id] = e).a)
}), ge("startVL"), D(n).forEach(function(e) {
D(e).forEach(function(e) {
var n = 1 - r / i,
t = Y(e.lt, o);
se += n * (t - o), o = t,
function(e, n) {
var t;
for (; K <= 1 && K - .01 <= e;) Te(d + (t = (100 * K).toFixed(0)), n.lt), "50" !== t && "90" !== t || u("Content", {
target: n.e
})("mark", d + t, P + F(n.lt || 0)), K += Z
}((r += e.a) / i, e)
}), ge("endVL"), ne = e.t - P, G[l] <= 1 && (Te("speedIndex", se), Te(d + "0", ue)), te && (te = !1, Te("atfSpeedIndex", se))
function xe(e) {
for (var n = e[a], t = N; n && 0 < t;) {
if (n[w] || 0 === n[w]) return Y(n[w], ue);
n = n.parentElement, t -= 1
function Oe(e, n) {
if (e) {
if (!e.indexOf("data:")) return xe(n);
var t = $[i](e) || [];
if (0 < t[l]) return Y(F(t[0].responseEnd || 0), ue)
function _e(e) {
return Oe(e[_], e) || Oe(e.currentSrc, e) || Oe(e.src, e)
function we(e) {
for (var n = 10, t = e.parentElement; t && 0 < n;) {
if (t.classList && t.classList.contains("a-carousel-viewport")) return t;
t = t.parentElement, n -= 1
return null
function Le(e, n, t) {
if ((n || 0 === n) && !e[L]) {
var i = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
r = i.width * i.height,
o = t.w || Y(R[x] || 0, R[S] || 0, V[y] || 0, V[x] || 0, V[S] || 0) || i.right,
a = i.width / 2,
f = fe++;
if (0 != r && !(a < i.right - o || i.right < a)) {
for (var u = {
e: e,
lt: n,
a: r,
id: f
}, c = C((i.top + t.y) / k), l = F((i.top + t.y + i.height) / k), s = c; s <= l; s++) s in le || (le[s] = {
elems: [],
lt: 0
}), le[s].elems.push(u);
e[L] = f
function Te(e, n) {
J("mark", e, P + F((ce[e] = n) || 0))
function Ie(e) {
ae || (ge("browserQuite" + e), j("getBuffers", me), ae = 1)
P && D && $[i] ? (ge(e + "Yes"), j("registerListener", function() {
re && (clearTimeout(ie), ie = H(Ie.bind(n, "Mut"), 2500))
}), u.once("$unload", function() {
oe = 1, Ie("Ud")
}), u.once("$load", function() {
re = 1, c = X() - P, ie = H(Ie.bind(n, "Ld"), 2500)
}), u.once("$timing:functional", Ie.bind(n, "Fn")), j("replayModuleIsLive"), u.register("SpeedIndex", {
getMarkers: function(e) {
e && e(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ce)))
})) : ge(e + "No")
csa.plugin(function(e) {
var m = !!e.config["LCP.elementDedup"],
t = !1,
n = e("PageTiming"),
r = e.global.PerformanceObserver,
a = e.global.performance;
function i() {
return a.timing.navigationStart
function o() {
t || function(o) {
var l = new r(function(e) {
var t = e.getEntries();
if (0 !== t.length) {
var n = t[t.length - 1];
if (m && "" !== n.id && n.element && "IMG" === n.element.tagName) {
for (var r = {}, a = t[0], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i].id in r || ("" !== t[i].id && (r[t[i].id] = !0), a.startTime < t[i].startTime && (a = t[i]));
n = a
l.disconnect(), o({
startTime: n.startTime,
renderTime: n.renderTime,
loadTime: n.loadTime
try {
type: "largest-contentful-paint",
buffered: !0
} catch (e) {}
}(function(e) {
e && (t = !0, n("mark", "largestContentfulPaint", Math.floor(e.startTime + i())), e.renderTime && n("mark", "largestContentfulPaint.render", Math.floor(e.renderTime + i())), e.loadTime && n("mark", "largestContentfulPaint.load", Math.floor(e.loadTime + i())))
r && a && a.timing && (e.once("$unload", o), e.once("$load", o), e.register("LargestContentfulPaint", {}))
csa.plugin(function(r) {
var e = r("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
n = r.global.PerformanceObserver;
n && (n = new n(function(r) {
var t = r.getEntries();
if (0 === t.length || !t[0].processingStart || !t[0].startTime) return;
! function(r) {
r = r || 0, n.disconnect(), 0 <= r ? e("recordMetric", "firstInputDelay", r) : e("recordMetric", "firstInputDelay.invalid", 1)
}(t[0].processingStart - t[0].startTime)
}), function() {
try {
type: "first-input",
buffered: !0
} catch (r) {}
csa.plugin(function(d) {
var e = "Metrics",
g = d.config,
f = 0;
function r(i) {
var c, t, e = i.producerId,
r = i.logger,
o = r || d("Events", {
producerId: e,
lob: g.lob || "0"
s = (i || {}).dimensions || {},
u = {},
n = -1;
if (!e && !r) return d.error("Either a producer id or custom logger must be defined");
function a() {
n !== f && (c = d.UUID(), t = d.UUID(), u = {}, n = f)
this.recordMetric = function(r, n) {
var e = i.logOptions || {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
e.debugMetric = i.debugMetric, a(), o("log", {
messageId: c,
schemaId: i.schemaId || ".Metric.4",
metrics: {},
dimensions: s,
__merge: function(e) {
e.metrics[r] = n
}, e)
}, this.recordCounter = function(r, e) {
var n = i.logOptions || {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
if ("string" != typeof r || "number" != typeof e || !isFinite(e)) return d.error("Invalid type given for counter name or counter value: " + r + "/" + e);
a(), r in u || (u[r] = {});
var c = u[r];
"f" in c || (c.f = e), c.c = (c.c || 0) + 1, c.s = (c.s || 0) + e, c.l = e, o("log", {
messageId: t,
schemaId: i.schemaId || ".InternalCounters.3",
c: {},
__merge: function(e) {
r in e.c || (e.c[r] = {}), c.fs || (c.fs = 1, e.c[r].f = c.f), 1 < c.c && (e.c[r].s = c.s, e.c[r].l = c.l, e.c[r].c = c.c)
}, n)
g["KillSwitch." + e] || (new r({
producerId: "csa"
}).recordMetric("baselineMetricEvent", 1), d.on("$beforePageTransition", function() {
}), d.register(e, {
instance: function(e) {
return new r(e || {})
csa.plugin(function(s) {
var n = s.config,
r = (s.global.performance || {}).timing,
c = (r || {}).navigationStart || s.time(),
g = 0;
function e() {
g += 1
function i(i) {
i = i || {};
var o = s.UUID(),
t = g,
r = i.producerId,
e = i.logger,
a = e || s("Events", {
producerId: r,
lob: n.lob || "0"
if (!r && !e) return s.error("Either a producer id or custom logger must be defined");
this.mark = function(e, r) {
var n = (void 0 === r ? s.time() : r) - c;
t !== g && (t = g, o = s.UUID()), a("log", {
messageId: o,
schemaId: i.schemaId || ".Timer.1",
markers: {},
__merge: function(r) {
r.markers[e] = n
}, i.logOptions)
r && (e(), s.on("$beforePageTransition", e), s.register("Timers", {
instance: function(r) {
return new i(r || {})
csa.plugin(function(t) {
var e = "takeRecords",
i = "disconnect",
n = "function",
o = t("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
c = t("PageTiming"),
a = t.global,
u = t.timeout,
r = t.on,
f = a.PerformanceObserver,
m = 0,
l = !1,
s = 0,
d = a.performance,
h = a.document,
v = null,
y = !1,
g = t.blank;
function p() {
l || (l = !0, clearTimeout(v), typeof f[e] === n && f[e](), typeof f[i] === n && f[i](), o("recordMetric", "documentCumulativeLayoutShift", m), c("mark", "cumulativeLayoutShiftLastTimestamp", Math.floor(s + d.timing.navigationStart)))
f && d && d.timing && h && (f = new f(function(t) {
v && clearTimeout(v);
t.getEntries().forEach(function(t) {
t.hadRecentInput || (m += t.value, s < t.startTime && (s = t.startTime))
}), v = u(p, 5e3)
}), function() {
try {
type: "layout-shift",
buffered: !0
}), v = u(p, 5e3)
} catch (t) {}
}(), g = r(h, "click", function(t) {
y || (y = !0, o("recordMetric", "documentCumulativeLayoutShiftToFirstInput", m), g())
}), r(h, "visibilitychange", function() {
"hidden" === h.visibilityState && p()
}), t.once("$unload", p))
csa.plugin(function(e) {
var t, n = e.global,
r = n.PerformanceObserver,
c = e("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
o = 0,
i = 0,
a = -1,
l = n.Math,
f = l.max,
u = l.ceil;
if (r) {
t = new r(function(e) {
e.getEntries().forEach(function(e) {
var t = e.duration;
o += t, i += t, a = f(t, a)
try {
type: "longtask",
buffered: !0
} catch (e) {}
t = new r(function(e) {
0 < e.getEntries().length && (i = 0, a = -1)
try {
type: "largest-contentful-paint",
buffered: !0
} catch (e) {}
e.on("$unload", g), e.on("$beforePageTransition", g)
function g() {
c("recordMetric", "totalBlockingTime", u(i || 0)), c("recordMetric", "totalBlockingTimeInclLCP", u(o || 0)), c("recordMetric", "maxBlockingTime", u(a || 0)), i = o = 0, a = -1
csa.plugin(function(o) {
var e = "CacheDetection",
r = "csa-ctoken-",
c = o.store,
t = o.deleteStored,
n = o.config,
i = n[e + ".RequestID"],
a = n[e + ".Callback"],
s = o.global,
u = s.document || {},
d = s.Date,
l = o("Events"),
f = o("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: n.lob || "0"
function p(e) {
try {
var c = u.cookie.match(RegExp("(^| )" + e + "=([^;]+)"));
return c && c[2].trim()
} catch (e) {}
n["KillSwitch." + e] || (function() {
var e = function() {
var e = p("cdn-rid");
if (e) return {
r: e,
s: "cdn"
}() || function() {
if (o.store(r + i)) return {
r: o.UUID().toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, "").slice(0, 20),
s: "device"
}() || {},
c = e.r,
n = e.s;
if (!!c) {
var t = p("session-id");
! function(e, c, n, t) {
l("setEntity", {
page: {
pageSource: "cache",
requestId: e,
cacheRequestId: i,
cacheSource: t
session: {
id: n
}(c, 0, t, n), "device" === n && f("log", {
schemaId: ".CacheImpression.2"
}, {
ent: "all"
}), a && a(c, t, n)
}(), c(r + i, d.now() + 36e5), o.once("$load", function() {
var n = d.now();
t(function(e, c) {
return 0 == e.indexOf(r) && parseInt(c) < n
csa.plugin(function(u) {
var i, t = "Content",
e = "MutationObserver",
n = "addedNodes",
a = "querySelectorAll",
f = "matches",
r = "getAttributeNames",
o = "getAttribute",
s = "dataset",
c = "widget",
l = "producerId",
d = "slotId",
h = "iSlotId",
g = {
ent: {
element: 1,
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
p = 5,
m = u.config[t + ".BubbleUp.SearchDepth"] || 35,
y = u.config[t + ".SearchPage"] || 0,
v = "csaC",
b = v + "Id",
E = "logRender",
w = {},
I = u.config,
O = I[t + ".Selectors"] || [],
C = I[t + ".WhitelistedAttributes"] || {
href: 1,
class: 1
N = I[t + ".EnableContentEntities"],
S = I["KillSwitch.ContentRendered"],
k = u.global,
A = k.document || {},
U = A.documentElement,
L = k.HTMLElement,
R = {},
_ = [],
j = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this,
r = u("Events", {
producerId: t || "csa",
lob: I.lob || "0"
e.type = e.type || c, o.id = e.id, o.l = r, o.e = e, o.el = n, o.rt = i, o.dlo = g, o.op = W(n, "csaOp"), o.log = function(t, e) {
r("log", t, e || g)
}, o.entities = function(t) {
}, e.id && r("setEntity", {
element: e
x = j.prototype;
function D(t) {
var e = (t = t || {}).element,
n = t.target;
return e ? function(t, e) {
var n;
n = t instanceof L ? K(t) || Y(e[l], t, z, u.time()) : R[t.id] || H(e[l], 0, t, u.time());
return n
}(e, t) : n ? M(n) : u.error("No element or target argument provided.")
function M(t) {
var e = function(t) {
var e = null,
n = 0;
for (; t && n < m;) {
if (n++, P(t, b)) {
e = t;
t = t.parentElement
return e
return e ? K(e) : new j("csa", {
id: null
}, null, u.time())
function P(t, e) {
if (t && t.dataset) return t.dataset[e]
function T(t, e, n) {
n: n,
e: t,
t: e
}), B()
function q() {
for (var t = u.time(), e = 0; 0 < _.length;) {
var n = _.shift();
if (w[n.n](n.e, n.t), ++e % 10 == 0 && u.time() - t > p) break
i = 0, _.length && B()
function B() {
i = i || u.raf(q)
function X(t, e, n) {
return {
n: t,
e: e,
t: n
function Y(t, e, n, i) {
var o = u.UUID(),
r = {
id: o
c = M(e);
return e[s][b] = o, n(r, e), c && c.id && (r.parentId = c.id), H(t, e, r, i)
function $(t) {
return isNaN(t) ? null : Math.round(t)
function H(t, e, n, i) {
N && (n.schemaId = ".ContentEntity.2"), n.id = n.id || u.UUID();
var o = new j(t, n, e, i);
return function(t) {
return !S && ((t.op || {}).hasOwnProperty(E) || y)
}(o) && function(t, e) {
var n = {},
i = u.exec($);
t.el && (n = t.el.getBoundingClientRect()), t.log({
schemaId: ".ContentRender.3",
timestamp: e,
width: i(n.width),
height: i(n.height),
positionX: i(n.left + k.pageXOffset),
positionY: i(n.top + k.pageYOffset)
}(o, i), u.emit("$content.register", o), R[n.id] = o
function K(t) {
return R[(t[s] || {})[b]]
function W(n, i) {
var o = {};
return r in (n = n || {}) && Object.keys(n[s]).forEach(function(t) {
if (!t.indexOf(i) && i.length < t.length) {
var e = function(t) {
return (t[0] || "").toLowerCase() + t.slice(1)
o[e] = n[s][t]
}), o
function z(t, e) {
r in e && (function(t, e) {
var n = W(t, v);
Object.keys(n).forEach(function(t) {
e[t] = n[t]
}(e, t), d in t && (t[h] = t[d]), function(e, n) {
(e[r]() || []).forEach(function(t) {
t in C && (n[t] = e[o](t))
}(e, t))
U && A[a] && k[e] && (O.push({
selector: "*[data-csa-c-type]",
entity: z
}), O.push({
selector: ".celwidget",
entity: function(t, e) {
z(t, e), t[d] = t[d] || e[o]("cel_widget_id") || e.id, t.legacyId = e[o]("cel_widget_id") || e.id, t.type = t.type || c
}), w[1] = function(t, e) {
t.forEach(function(t) {
t[n] && t[n].constructor && "NodeList" === t[n].constructor.name && Array.prototype.forEach.call(t[n], function(t) {
_.unshift(X(2, t, e))
}, w[2] = function(r, c) {
a in r && f in r && O.forEach(function(t) {
for (var e = t.selector, n = r[f](e), i = r[a](e), o = i.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--) _.unshift(X(3, {
e: i[o],
s: t
}, c));
n && _.unshift(X(3, {
e: r,
s: t
}, c))
}, w[3] = function(t, e) {
var n = t.e;
K(n) || Y("csa", n, t.s.entity, e)
}, w[4] = function() {
u.register(t, {
instance: D
}, new k[e](function(t) {
T(t, u.time(), 1)
}).observe(U, {
childList: !0,
subtree: !0
}), T(U, u.time(), 2), T(null, u.time(), 4), u.on("$content.export", function(e) {
Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t) {
x[t] = e[t]
csa.plugin(function(o) {
var i, t = "ContentImpressions",
e = "KillSwitch.",
n = "IntersectionObserver",
r = "getAttribute",
s = "dataset",
c = "intersectionRatio",
a = "csaCId",
m = 1e3,
l = o.global,
f = o.config,
u = f[e + t],
v = f[e + t + ".ContentViews"],
g = ((l.performance || {}).timing || {}).navigationStart || o.time(),
d = {};
function h(t) {
t && (t.v = 1, function(t) {
t.vt = o.time(), t.el.log({
schemaId: ".ContentView.4",
timeToViewed: t.vt - t.el.rt,
pageFirstPaintToElementViewed: t.vt - g
function I(t) {
t && !t.it && (t.i = o.time() - t.is > m, function(t) {
t.it = o.time(), t.el.log({
schemaId: ".ContentImpressed.3",
timeToImpressed: t.it - t.el.rt,
pageFirstPaintToElementImpressed: t.it - g
}!u && l[n] && (i = new l[n](function(t) {
var n = o.time();
t.forEach(function(t) {
var e = function(t) {
if (t && t[r]) return d[t[s][a]]
if (e) {
o.emit("$content.intersection", {
meta: e.el,
t: n,
e: t
var i = t.intersectionRect;
t.isIntersecting && 0 < i.width && 0 < i.height && (v || e.v || h(e), .5 <= t[c] && !e.is && (e.is = n, e.timer = o.timeout(function() {
}, m))), t[c] < .5 && !e.it && e.timer && (l.clearTimeout(e.timer), e.is = 0, e.timer = 0)
}, {
threshold: [0, .5, .99]
}), o.on("$content.register", function(t) {
var e = t.el;
e && (d[t.id] = {
el: t,
v: 0,
i: 0,
is: 0,
vt: 0,
it: 0
}, i.observe(e))
csa.plugin(function(e) {
e.config["KillSwitch.ContentLatency"] || e.emit("$content.export", {
mark: function(t, n) {
var o = this;
o.t || (o.t = e("Timers", {
logger: o.l,
schemaId: ".ContentLatency.4",
logOptions: o.dlo
})), o.t("mark", t, n)
csa.plugin(function(t) {
function n(i, e, o) {
var c = {};
function r(t, n, e) {
t in c && o <= n - c[t].s && (function(n, e, i) {
if (!p) return;
E(function(t) {
T(n, t), t.w[n][e] = a((t.w[n][e] || 0) + i)
}(t, i, n - c[t].d), c[t].d = n), e || delete c[t]
this.update = function(t, n) {
n.isIntersecting && e <= n.intersectionRatio ? function(t, n) {
t in c || (c[t] = {
s: n,
d: n
}(t, u()) : r(t, u())
}, this.stopAll = function(t) {
var n = u();
for (var e in c) r(e, n, t)
}, this.reset = function() {
var t = u();
for (var n in c) c[n].s = t, c[n].d = t
var e = t.config,
u = t.time,
i = "ContentInteractionsSummary",
o = e[i + ".FlushInterval"] || 5e3,
c = e[i + ".FlushBackoff"] || 1.5,
r = t.global,
s = t.on,
a = Math.floor,
f = (r.document || {}).documentElement || {},
l = ((r.performance || {}).timing || {}).responseStart || t.time(),
d = o,
m = 0,
p = !0,
v = t.UUID(),
g = t("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: e.lob || "0"
w = new n("it0", 0, 0),
I = new n("it50", .5, 1e3),
h = new n("it100", .99, 0),
b = {},
A = {};
function $() {
w.stopAll(!0), I.stopAll(!0), h.stopAll(!0), S()
function C() {
w.reset(), I.reset(), h.reset(), S()
function S() {
d && (clearTimeout(m), m = t.timeout($, d), d *= c)
function U(n) {
E(function(t) {
T(n, t), t.w[n].mc = (t.w[n].mc || 0) + 1
function E(t) {
g("log", {
messageId: v,
schemaId: ".ContentInteractionsSummary.2",
w: {},
__merge: t
}, {
ent: {
page: ["requestId"]
function T(t, n) {
t in n.w || (n.w[t] = {})
e["KillSwitch." + i] || (s("$content.intersection", function(t) {
if (t && t.meta && t.e) {
var n = t.meta.id;
if (n in b) {
var e = t.e.boundingClientRect || {};
e.width < 5 || e.height < 5 || (w.update(n, t.e), I.update(n, t.e), h.update(n, t.e), !t.e.isIntersecting || n in A || (A[n] = 1, function(n, e) {
E(function(t) {
T(n, t), t.w[n].ttfv = a(e)
}(n, u() - l)))
}), s("$content.register", function(t) {
(t.e || {}).slotId && (b[t.id] = {}, function(e) {
E(function(t) {
var n = e.id;
T(n, t), t.w[n].sid = (e.e || {}).slotId, t.w[n].cid = (e.e || {}).contentId
}), s("$beforePageTransition", function() {
$(), C(), v = t.UUID(), S()
}), s("$beforeunload", function() {
w.stopAll(), I.stopAll(), h.stopAll(), d = null
}), s("$visible", function(t) {
t ? C() : ($(), clearTimeout(m)), p = t
}, {
buffered: 1
}), s(f, "click", function(t) {
for (var n = t.target, e = 25; n && 0 < e;) {
var i = (n.dataset || {}).csaCId;
i && U(i), n = n.parentElement, e -= 1
}, {
capture: !0,
passive: !0
}), S())
csa.plugin(function(d) {
var t, o, i = "normal",
c = "reload",
e = "history",
s = "new-tab",
n = "ajax",
r = 1,
a = 2,
u = "lastActive",
l = "lastInteraction",
p = "used",
f = "csa-tabbed-browsing",
y = "visibilityState",
g = "page",
v = "experience",
b = "request",
m = {
"back-memory-cache": 1,
"tab-switch": 1,
"history-navigation-page-cache": 1
I = "TabbedBrowsing",
T = "." + I + ".4",
h = "visible",
w = d.global,
x = d.config,
S = d("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: x.lob || "0"
q = w.location || {},
P = w.document,
z = w.JSON,
E = ((w.performance || {}).navigation || {}).type,
$ = d.store,
k = d.on,
A = d.storageSupport(),
C = !1,
O = {},
j = {},
B = {},
J = {},
K = {},
N = !1,
R = !1,
D = !1,
F = 0;
function G(i) {
try {
return z.parse($(f, void 0, {
session: i
}) || "{}") || {}
} catch (i) {
d.error('Could not parse storage value for key "' + f + '": ' + i)
return {}
function H(i, e) {
$(f, z.stringify(e || {}), {
session: i
function L(i) {
var e = j.tid || i.id,
t = O[u] || {};
t.tid === e && (t.pid = i.id, t.ent = K), J = {
pid: i.id,
tid: e,
ent: K,
lastInteraction: j[l] || {},
initialized: !0
}, B = {
lastActive: t,
lastInteraction: O[l] || {},
time: d.time()
function M(i) {
var e = i === s,
t = P.referrer,
n = !(t && t.length) || !~t.indexOf(q.origin || ""),
r = e && n,
a = {
type: i,
toTabId: J.tid,
toPageId: J.pid,
transitTime: d.time() - O.time || null
r || function(i, e, t) {
var n = i === c,
r = e ? O[u] || {} : j,
a = O[l] || {},
d = j[l] || {},
o = e ? a : d;
t.fromTabId = r.tid, t.fromPageId = r.pid;
var s = r.ent || {};
s.rid && (t.fromRequestId = s.rid || null), s.ety && (t.fromExperienceType = s.ety || null), s.esty && (t.fromExperienceSubType = s.esty || null), n || !o.id || o[p] || (t.interactionId = o.id || null, o.sid && (t.interactionSlotId = o.sid || null), a.id === o.id && (a[p] = !0), d.id === o.id && (d[p] = !0))
}(i, e, a), S("log", {
navigation: a,
schemaId: T
}, {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
function Q(i) {
D = function(i) {
return i && i in m
function() {
O = G(!1), j = G(!0);
var i = O[l],
e = j[l],
t = !1,
n = !1;
i && e && i.id === e.id && i[p] !== e[p] && (t = !i[p], n = !e[p], e[p] = i[p] = !0, t && H(!1, O), n && H(!0, j))
}(), L(i), N = !0,
function(i) {
var e, t;
e = V(), t = W(), (e || t) && L(i)
}(i), F = 1
function U() {
C && !D ? M(n) : (C = !0, M(E === a || D ? e : E === r ? j.initialized ? c : s : j.initialized ? i : s))
function V() {
var i = t,
e = {};
return !!(N && i && i.e && i.w) && (i.w("entities", function(i) {
e = i || {}
}), j[l] = {
id: i.e.messageId,
sid: e.slotId,
used: !(O[l] = {
id: i.e.messageId,
sid: e.slotId,
used: !1
}, !(t = null))
function W() {
var i = !1;
if (R = P[y] === h, N) {
var e = O[u] || {};
i = function(i, e, t, n) {
var r = !1,
a = i[u];
return R ? a && a.tid === J.tid && a[h] && a.pid === t || (i[u] = {
visible: !0,
pid: t,
tid: e,
ent: n
}, r = !0) : a && a.tid === J.tid && a[h] && (r = !(a[h] = !1)), r
}(O, j.tid || e.tid || J.tid, j.pid || e.pid || J.pid, j.ent || e.ent || J.ent)
return i
x["KillSwitch." + I] || A.local && A.session && z && P && y in P && (o = function() {
try {
return w.self !== w.top
} catch (i) {
return !0
}(), k("$entities.set", function(i) {
if (!o && i) {
var e = (i[b] || {}).id || (i[g] || {}).requestId,
t = (i[v] || {}).experienceType || (i[g] || {}).pageType,
n = (i[v] || {}).experienceSubType || (i[g] || {}).subPageType,
r = !K.rid && e || !K.ety && t || !K.esty && n;
if (K.rid = K.rid || e, K.ety = K.ety || t, K.esty = K.esty || n, r && F) {
var a = O[u] || {};
a.tid === j.tid && (a.ent = K, H(!1, O)), j.ent = K, H(!0, j)
}, {
buffered: 1
}), k("$pageChange", function(i) {
o || (Q(i), U(), H(!1, B), H(!0, J), j = J, O = B)
}, {
buffered: 1
}), k("$content.interaction", function(i) {
t = i, V() && (H(!1, O), H(!0, j))
}), k(P, "visibilitychange", function() {
!o && W() && H(!1, O)
}, {
capture: !1,
passive: !0
csa.plugin(function(c) {
var e = c("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
c.on(c.global, "pageshow", function(c) {
c && c.persisted && e("recordMetric", "bfCache", 1)
csa.plugin(function(n) {
var e, t, i, o, r, a, c, u, f, s, l, d, p, g, m, v, h, b, y = "hasFocus",
S = "$app.",
T = "avail",
$ = "client",
w = "document",
I = "inner",
P = "offset",
D = "screen",
C = "scroll",
E = "Width",
F = "Height",
O = T + E,
q = T + F,
x = $ + E,
z = $ + F,
H = I + E,
K = I + F,
M = P + E,
W = P + F,
X = C + E,
Y = C + F,
j = "up",
k = "down",
A = "none",
B = 20,
G = n.config,
J = G["KillSwitch.PageInteractionsSummary"],
L = n("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: G.lob || "0"
N = 1,
Q = n.global || {},
R = n.time,
U = n.on,
V = n.once,
Z = Q[w] || {},
_ = Q[D] || {},
nn = Q.Math || {},
en = nn.abs,
tn = nn.max,
on = nn.ceil,
rn = ((Q.performance || {}).timing || {}).responseStart,
an = function() {
return Z[y]()
cn = 1,
un = 100,
fn = {},
sn = 1,
ln = 0,
dn = 0,
pn = k,
gn = A;
function mn() {
c = t = o = r = e, i = d = 0, a = u = f = s = l = 0, pn = k, gn = A, dn = ln = 0, yn(), bn()
function vn() {
rn && !o && (c = on((o = p) - rn), sn = 1)
function hn() {
var n = m - i;
(!t || t && t <= p) && (n && (++a, sn = dn = 1), i = m, n),
function() {
if (gn = d < m ? k : j, pn !== gn) {
var n = en(m - d);
B < n && (++l, ln && !dn && ++a, pn = gn, sn = ln = 1, d = m, dn = 0)
} else dn = 0, d = m
}(), t = p + un
function bn() {
u = on(tn(u, m + b)), g && (f = on(tn(f, g + h))), sn = 1
function yn() {
p = R(), g = en(Q.pageXOffset || 0), m = tn(Q.pageYOffset || 0, 0), v = 0 < g || 0 < m, h = Q[H] || 0, b = Q[K] || 0
function Sn() {
yn(), vn(), hn(), bn()
function Tn() {
if (r) {
var n = on(R() - r);
s += n, r = e, sn = 0 < n
function $n() {
r = r || R()
function wn(n, e, t, i) {
e[n + E] = on(t || 0), e[n + F] = on(i || 0)
function In(n) {
var e = n === fn,
t = an();
if (t || sn) {
if (!e) {
if (!N) return;
N = 0, t && Tn()
var i = function() {
var n = {},
e = Z.documentElement || {},
t = Z.body || {};
return wn("availableScreen", n, _[O], _[q]), wn(w, n, tn(t[X] || 0, t[M] || 0, e[x] || 0, e[X] || 0, e[M] || 0), tn(t[Y] || 0, t[W] || 0, e[z] || 0, e[Y] || 0, e[W] || 0)), wn(D, n, _.width, _.height), wn("viewport", n, Q[H], Q[K]), n
o = function() {
var n = {
scrollCounts: a,
reachedDepth: u,
horizontalScrollDistance: f,
dwellTime: s,
vScrollDirChanges: l
return "number" == typeof c && (n.clientTimeToFirstScroll = c), n
e ? sn = 0 : (mn(), rn = R(), t && (r = rn)), L("log", {
activity: o,
dimensions: i,
schemaId: ".PageInteractionsSummary.3"
}, {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
function Pn() {
Tn(), In(fn)
function Dn(n, e) {
return function() {
cn = e, n()
function Cn() {
an = function() {
return cn
}, cn && !r && (r = R())
"function" != typeof Z[y] || J || (mn(), v && vn(), U(Q, C, Sn, {
passive: !0
}), U(Q, "blur", Pn), U(Q, "focus", Dn($n, 1)), V(S + "android", Cn), V(S + "ios", Cn), U(S + "pause", Dn(Pn, 0)), U(S + "resume", Dn($n, 1)), U(S + "resign", Dn(Pn, 0)), U(S + "active", Dn($n, 1)), an() && (r = rn || R()), V("$beforeunload", In), U("$beforeunload", In), U("$document.hidden", Pn), U("$beforePageTransition", In), U("$afterPageTransition", function() {
sn = N = 1
csa.plugin(function(e) {
var o, n, r = "Navigator",
a = "." + r + ".5",
i = e.global,
c = e.config,
d = i.navigator || {},
t = d.connection || {},
l = i.Math.round,
u = e("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: c.lob || "0"
function v() {
o = {
network: {
downlink: void 0,
downlinkMax: void 0,
rtt: void 0,
type: void 0,
effectiveType: void 0,
saveData: void 0
language: void 0,
doNotTrack: void 0,
hardwareConcurrency: void 0,
deviceMemory: void 0,
cookieEnabled: void 0,
webdriver: void 0
}, w(), o.language = d.language || null, o.doNotTrack = function() {
switch (d.doNotTrack) {
case "1":
return "enabled";
case "0":
return "disabled";
case "unspecified":
return d.doNotTrack;
return null
}(), o.hardwareConcurrency = "hardwareConcurrency" in d ? l(d.hardwareConcurrency || 0) : null, o.deviceMemory = "deviceMemory" in d ? l(d.deviceMemory || 0) : null, o.cookieEnabled = "cookieEnabled" in d ? d.cookieEnabled : null, o.webdriver = "webdriver" in d ? d.webdriver : null
function k() {
u("log", {
network: (n = {}, Object.keys(o.network).forEach(function(e) {
n[e] = o.network[e] + ""
}), n),
language: o.language,
doNotTrack: o.doNotTrack,
hardwareConcurrency: o.hardwareConcurrency,
deviceMemory: o.deviceMemory,
cookieEnabled: o.cookieEnabled,
webdriver: o.webdriver,
schemaId: a
}, {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
function w() {
! function(n) {
Object.keys(o.network).forEach(function(e) {
o.network[e] = n[e]
downlink: "downlink" in t ? l(t.downlink || 0) : null,
downlinkMax: "downlinkMax" in t ? l(t.downlinkMax || 0) : null,
rtt: "rtt" in t ? (t.rtt || 0).toFixed() : null,
type: t.type || null,
effectiveType: t.effectiveType || null,
saveData: "saveData" in t ? t.saveData : null
function f() {
w(), k()
function y() {
v(), k()
c["KillSwitch." + r] || (v(), k(), e.on("$afterPageTransition", y), e.on(t, "change", f))
if (window.ue && window.ue.uels) {
ue.exec(function(d, c) {
function g(e, c) {
e && ue.tag(e + c);
return !!e
function n() {
for (var e = RegExp("^https://(.*\.(images|ssl-images|media)-amazon\.com|" + c.location.hostname + ")/images/", "i"), d = {}, h = 0, k = c.performance.getEntriesByType("resource"), l = !1, b, a, m, f = 0; f < k.length; f++)
if (a = k[f], 0 < a.transferSize && a.transferSize >= a.encodedBodySize && (b = e.exec(String(a.name))) && 3 === b.length) {
a: {
b = a.serverTiming || [];
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++)
if ("provider" === b[a].name) {
b = b[a].description;
break a
b = void 0
b && (l || (l = g(b, "_cdn_fr")),
a = d[b] = (d[b] || 0) + 1, a > h && (m = b, h = a))
g(m, "_cdn_mp")
d.ue && "function" === typeof d.ue.tag && c.performance && c.location && n()
}, "cdnTagging")(ue_csm, window);
(n => {
var A;
n.RXVM = function(r) {
var i = n([1, function(n) {
n.u.t[m(n)] = h(n)
}, 2, function(n) {
n.i[0].t[m(n)] = h(n)
}, 3, h, 4, function(n) {
var r = h(n),
t = h(n),
n = h(n);
b(n) || (n[t] = r)
}, 10, function(n) {
}, 12, function(n) {
for (var r = F(n); 0 < r--;) n.v.push(S(n))
}, 30, function(n) {
return !h(n)
}, 42, function() {}, 43, function(n) {
for (var r = F(n); 0 < r--;) n.u.t.push(n.l.pop())
}, 45, a(!0), 44, a(!1), 48, v(0, y), 49, v(1, y), 50, v(2, y), 51, v(-1, y), 52, v(0, _), 53, v(1, _), 54, v(2, _), 55, v(-1, _), 58, function(n) {
p(n, x(n))
}, 59, l(!0), 60, l(!1), 64, function(n) {
var r = x(n),
t = w(n, n.u._);
return p(n, r), t
}, 65, function(n) {
var r = F(n),
t = x(n),
u = w(n, n.u._);
n.u.t[r] = u, p(n, t)
o = {
40: function(n, r) {
return "__rx_cls" in n ? n.__rx_cls === r.__rx_ref : n instanceof r
t = (o[20] = Math.pow, s(16, "+"), s(17, "-"), s(18, "*"), s(19, "/"), s(21, "%"), s(22, "&"), s(23, "|"), s(24, "^"), s(25, "<<"), s(26, ">>"), s(27, ">>>"), s(28, "&&"), s(29, "||"), s(31, ">"), s(33, ">="), s(32, "<"), s(34, "<="), s(35, "=="), s(36, "==="), s(37, "!="), s(38, "!=="), s(39, " in "), n([10, A, 11, null, 14, !0, 15, !1])),
u = n([1, function(n) {
return n.h
}, 17, F, 18, function(n) {
n = m(n) | m(n) << 8 | m(n) << 16 | m(n) << 24;
return n = 2147483647 < n ? -4294967295 + n - 1 : n
}, 19, function(n) {
for (var r = [], t = 0; t < 4; t++) r.push(m(n));
return new Float32Array(new Uint8Array(r).buffer)[0]
}, 12, S, 13, function(n) {
return n.v[F(n)]
}, 20, function() {
return []
}, 21, function(n) {
for (var r = F(n), t = []; 0 < r--;) t.unshift(h(n));
return t
}, 22, function() {
return {}
}, 23, function(n) {
for (var r = F(n) / 2, t = {}; 0 < r--;) {
var u = h(n);
t[h(n)] = u
return t
}, 32, function(n) {
return n.u.t[F(n)]
}, 33, function(n) {
return n.i[0].t[F(n)]
}, 48, function(n) {
var r = h(n),
n = h(n);
return b(n) ? n : ("function" == typeof(r = n[r]) && (r.__rx_this = n), r)
}, 51, function(n) {
var r = h(n),
t = 0;
return b(r) ? r : function() {
return {
value: r[t],
done: !(t++ < r.length)
}, 50, function(n) {
return n.u.o.pop()
}, 52, function(n) {
return typeof h(n)
function e(n) {
for (;
(r = n).u && r.u._ < r.p.length;) {
r = m(n);
n.h = f(r, n)
var r
function f(n, r) {
var t, u;
return n in o ? (t = h(r), u = h(r), o[n](u, t)) : n in i ? i[n](r) : void k("e2:" + n + ":" + r.u._)
function c(n, r) {
return {
m: n,
_: n,
t: [],
o: [],
F: r
function n(n) {
for (var r = {}, t = 0; t < n.length; t += 2) r[n[t]] = n[t + 1];
return r
function a(i) {
return function(n) {
var r = i ? h(n) : A,
t = n.i.pop(),
u = A,
u = t.F ? t.t[0] : r;
return n.l = [], n.u = n.i[n.i.length - 1], d(n, n.u.m), u
function v(u, i) {
return function(n) {
var r = h(n),
t = u;
for (-1 === u && (t = F(n)); 0 < t--;) n.l.push(h(n));
if (n.h = A, r) return i(r, n)
function l(u) {
return function(n) {
var r = h(n),
t = x(n);
(u && r || !r && !u) && p(n, t)
function s(u, i) {
o[u] = function(n, r) {
var t = Function("a", "b", "return a" + i + "b");
return (o[u] = t)(n, r)
function _(n, r) {
var t;
if (n.__rx_ref && n.S === r) {
var u = c(n.__rx_ref, !0);
__rx_cls: n.__rx_ref
}), r.i.push(u), r.u = u, d(r, u.m)
} else if ("function" == typeof n) {
u = r.l.reverse().splice(0), u = Function.prototype.bind.apply(n, [null].concat(u));
try {
t = new u, r.l = []
} catch (n) {}
} else k("e5:" + n + ":" + r.u._);
return t
function y(n, r) {
var t;
if (n.__rx_ref && n.S === r) {
var u = c(n.__rx_ref);
u.t.push(n.__rx_this || this), r.i.push(u), r.u = u, d(r, u.m)
} else if ("function" == typeof n) {
u = r.l.reverse().splice(0);
try {
t = n.apply(n.__rx_this || this, u), r.l = []
} catch (n) {}
} else k("e4:" + n);
return t
function h(n) {
var r = m(n);
return 0 < (128 & r) ? f(127 & r, n) : r in t ? t[r] : r in u ? u[r](n) : void k("e3:" + r)
function w(t, u) {
var n = g(function() {
var n = c(u),
r = n.t;
return r.push(this), r.push.apply(r, arguments), t.i.push(n), t.u = n, d(t, n.m), e(t), t.h
return n.__rx_ref = u, n.S = t, n
function b(n) {
return (n === A || null === n) && (r && k("e10" + n), 1)
function d(n, r) {
n.g = r % 127 + 37
function p(n, r) {
n.u._ += r
function m(n) {
return n.p[n.u._++] ^ n.g
function x(n) {
n = m(n) | m(n) << 8;
return n = 32767 < n ? -65535 + n - 1 : n
function F(n) {
for (var r, t = 0, u = 0, i = n.u._; t += (127 & (r = n.p[i + u] ^ n.g)) * Math.pow(2, 7 * u), u += 1, 0 < (128 & r););
return p(n, u), t
function S(n) {
for (var r = F(n), t = ""; 0 < r--;) t += String.fromCharCode(m(n));
return t
function g(n) {
return function() {
try {
return n.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (n) {
function k(n) {
if (r) throw Error(n)
this.execute = g(function(n, r) {
var t, u;
return 82 !== n[0] && 88 !== n[1] ? k("e1") : (n = n, t = 3, (u = c(0)).t[0] = (r = r) || {}, u._ = t, d(r = {
p: n,
h: 0,
i: [u],
u: u,
l: [],
v: [],
g: 0
}, 0), e(t = r), t)
})("undefined" == typeof window ? global : window);
(n => {
for (var i = "undefined" == typeof window ? n : window, t = 0, n = "addEventListener", f = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".split(""), u = [], r = i.rx || {}, o = r.c || {}, e = o.rxp || "/rd/uedata", a = o.fi || 5e3, c = {}, d = {}, w = [], v = 0, x = 0; x < f.length; x++) u[f[x]] = x;
function y(n, r) {
return function() {
try {
return n.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (n) {
h(n.message || n, n)
function h(n, r) {
n = ("" + (n || "")).substring(0, 100), w.push(t), w.push(n.length);
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) w.push(n.charCodeAt(i));
if (o.DEBUG) throw r || n;
function l(n, r) {
r = y(r), n in d || (d[n] = []), d[n].push(r), n in c && r()
function s(n, r) {
n in c || (c[n] = r, (d[n] || []).forEach(function(n) {
function m(n) {
for (var r = 0, i = 0, t = "", o = 0; o < n.length; o += 1)
for (i += 8, r = r << 8 | n[o]; 6 <= i;) t += f[r >> i - 6], r &= 255 >> 8 - (i -= 6);
return 0 < i && (t += f[r << 6 - i]), t
function A(n) {
for (var r = 0, i = 0, t = [], o = 0; o < n.length && "=" !== n[o]; o += 1)
for (i += 6, r = r << 6 | u[n[o]]; 8 <= i;) t.push(r >> i - 8), r &= 255 >> 8 - (i -= 8);
return new Uint8Array(t)
function U() {
!v && 0 < a && (setTimeout(y(g), a), v = 1)
function g() {
if ((v = 0) === w.length) return "";
rx.ep(w, p), w = []
function p(n) {
n = m(new Uint8Array(n));
n = e + "?rid=" + rx.rid + "&sid=" + rx.sid + "&rx=" + n;
(new Image).src = n
function b(n) {
s("load", n)
function E(n) {
b(n), s("unload", n), g()
}(i.rx = r).err = h, r.r = y(l), r.e = y(s), r.exec = y, r.p = y(function(n, r) {
s("rxm:" + n, r), w.push(255 & n), w = w.concat(r), U()
}), r.ex64 = y(function(r, n) {
l(n || "init", function() {
var n;
i.RXVM && (n = A(r), i.$RX || (i.$RX = new i.RXVM), $RX.execute(n, i))
}), r.e64 = y(m), r.d64 = y(A), r.erc4 = y(function() {
var n = rx.ep4(w);
return rx.rid + "#" + m(new Uint8Array(n))
}), s("init", {}), n in i && (i[n]("load", y(b)), i[n]("beforeunload", y(E)), i[n]("pagehide", y(E)))
rx.ex64("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", "load");
rx.ex64("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", "load");
/* ◬ */