App will not open (black screen on all devices) - forum topic | Ultimate Guitar !function(n,e){var t,o,i,c=[],f={passive:!0,capture:!0},r=new Date,a="pointerup",u="pointercancel";function p(n,c){t||(t=c,o=n,i=new Date,w(e),s())}function s(){o>=0&&o<i-r&&(c.forEach(function(n){n(o,t)}),c=[])}function l(t){if(t.cancelable){var o=(t.timeStamp>1e12?new;"pointerdown"==t.type?function(t,o){function i(){p(t,o),r()}function c(){r()}function r(){e(a,i,f),e(u,c,f)}n(a,i,f),n(u,c,f)}(o,t):p(o,t)}}function w(n){["click","mousedown","keydown","touchstart","pointerdown"].forEach(function(e){n(e,l,f)})}w(n),self.perfMetrics=self.perfMetrics||{},self.perfMetrics.onFirstInputDelay=function(n){c.push(n),s()}}(addEventListener,removeEventListener); var hasFirstTap = false; (function () { function onFirstTap () { hasFirstTap = true document.body.removeEventListener('touchstart', onFirstTap) } document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', onFirstTap) })()
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Nimrod944 [pro] 20 IQ
Registered User
Join date: Nov 2013
The app will not open on any of my devices. All I get is a black screen. I have tried this on my IPhone 13 Pro, iPhone SE 2, I phone 6s and iPad Air. I have tried offloading and reloading the app. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the app. I have tried restarting the devices. It is the same each time. Black screen. It doesn’t crash, it just never displays anything… what gives???

a.faretdinov [ug] 20 IQ
Join date: Feb 2022
 We would like to ask you to contact our support team and describe the nature of the problem in more detail.

[email protected]

Kind Regards,

Ultimate Guitar Team

mv774hjmzd [pro] 10 IQ
Join date: Mar 2023
Has anything been done about this? I also get a black screen on occasion when trying to open app on new iPad Pro. 

UG Support [ug] 109 IQ
Join date: Oct 2011
mv774hjmzd Did you try to re-install the app?

Ultimate Guitar official Support Portal
If you create a ticket by contacting the Support Team directly at forum-support[@] you'll receive a personal answer by email within 24 hours.

slydawg65 [pro] 20 IQ
Registered User
Join date: Sep 2013
Same problem still happening. This has been going on for months now. This issue renders this app completely useless!!!

UG Support [ug] 109 IQ
Join date: Oct 2011
Please follow these steps:
1. Delete the app;
2. Install app again and check which version is installed;
3. Open the app, catch the "black" screen and just try to wait for the download;
4. If it didn't help, then open the application in offline mode.
If the problem is still there after these steps, please contact us-  [email protected]

Ultimate Guitar official Support Portal
If you create a ticket by contacting the Support Team directly at forum-support[@] you'll receive a personal answer by email within 24 hours.

wood73947 [pro] 10 IQ
Registered User
Join date: Apr 2015
A simple, yet annoying, work around is to install Tonebridge. When offline or without internet service, launch Tonebridge first, click on any pedal, in the bottom right corner click open tab.

margotgorczan1 10 IQ
Join date: Feb 2024
 Discovering the thread on Ultimate Guitar was a game-changer for me. It's incredible how music and gaming can intersect, creating a vibrant community passionate about both. The discussions and insights shared here are genuinely inspiring, highlighting the creativity and talent within the community. For those who enjoy the blend of music and esports, checking out articles on can further enrich your appreciation. It's a testament to how diverse interests can come together, fostering a unique and supportive space for enthusiasts.
Last edited by margotgorczan1 at Feb 21, 2024,

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{"@context":"","@type":"DiscussionForumPosting","mainEntityOfPage":"","headline":"App will not open (black screen on all devices)","text":"The app will not open on any of my devices. All I get is a black screen. I have tried this on my IPhone 13 Pro, iPhone SE 2, I phone 6s and iPad Air. I have tried offloading and reloading the app. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the app. I have tried restarting the devices. It is the same each time. Black screen. It doesn’t crash, it just never displays anything… what gives???","url":"","datePublished":"2023-05-07T03:41:58-04:00","interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","@interactionType":"","userInteractionCount":2},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Nimrod944","url":""},"comment":[{"@type":"Comment","text":"Hello, We would like to ask you to contact our support team and describe the nature of the problem in more detail.","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"a.faretdinov","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-05-08T05:54:16-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Nimrod944 same problem for me","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"stephane49","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-05-13T17:21:39-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Same problem for me on iPhone","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"ensiferum15","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-05-13T23:58:54-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":" We would like to ask you to contact our support team and describe the nature of the problem in more detail.","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"a.faretdinov","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-05-14T03:51:04-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Has anything been done about this? I also get a black screen on occasion when trying to open app on new iPad Pro. ","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"mv774hjmzd","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-10-12T12:19:33-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":"mv774hjmzd Did you try to re-install the app?","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"UG Support","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-10-13T02:33:00-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Same problem still happening. This has been going on for months now. This issue renders this app completely useless!!!","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"slydawg65","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-10-19T09:32:19-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":"slydawg65   Please follow these steps: ​ 1. Delete the app; 2. Install app again and check which version is installed; 3. Open the app, catch the "black" screen and just try to wait for the download; 4. If it didn't help, then open the application in offline mode. ​ If the problem is still there after these steps, please contact us-","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"UG Support","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-10-20T02:29:44-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":"A simple, yet annoying, work around is to install Tonebridge. When offline or without internet service, launch Tonebridge first, click on any pedal, in the bottom right corner click open tab.","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"wood73947","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-10-25T20:07:49-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":"wood73947 Hello, Please contact us as soon as possible for more details: ","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"UG Support","url":""},"datePublished":"2023-10-26T02:37:58-04:00"},{"@type":"Comment","text":" Discovering the thread on Ultimate Guitar was a game-changer for me. It's incredible how music and gaming can intersect, creating a vibrant community passionate about both. The discussions and insights shared here are genuinely inspiring, highlighting the creativity and talent within the community. For those who enjoy the blend of music and esports, checking out articles on can further enrich your appreciation. It's a testament to how diverse interests can come together, fostering a unique and supportive space for enthusiasts.","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"margotgorczan1","url":""},"datePublished":"2024-02-19T07:23:10-05:00"}]}
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