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Any Special plans for New Year's Eve?

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7173 Mustang Supporter Member
Dec 29, 2021
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Meridianville AL
I don't have any special plans yet. I will be up to watch the new year arrive. I hope to see some fireworks, even if only in a neighborhood.

And I wish each of you a great happy, healthy, good cash flow 2024. Best wishes.

Got a "Date Night" with my beautiful wife, just a nice dinner downtown. I' ll tell ya, I've seen so many "Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve" ridiculous shows over the years. I don't care to ever see another. At this point, I have no idea who in the hell the musical guests are anymore, they're all lipsyncing anyway, and all those half-dressed young girls............don't tease me,.... either take it all off or get off the stage, or, try actually having talent other than dancing....seen it.

Comedy club with Carolyn Rhea in Nashville


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With the mild temps and nice weather I'll be grilling steaks for dinner, followed by gathering around the fire pit, enjoying drinks and conversation while sitting under the stars. At midnight, our patio is perfectly situated for watching the San Antonio skies come alive with fireworks. New Year's day will include a top down cruise through the Texas Hill Country in the 72 convertible.

Happy New Year to all! 🎊 🎉

Happy New Year to everyone in our Mustang community and to all others as well.
I'll probably be fast asleep by midnight, it's hard for an "old guy" to stay awake past 10 pm you know!
I always raise a toast my family and friends in the UK at 7pm EST as that is midnight GMT.
So, to all our UK, European, Australian and all others around the world, Happy New Year.

Happy New Years to all! Let’s hope 2024 comes with a degree of sanity.
My car projects are on hold as I am working diligently to refurbish my home getting it ready to sell. I will be retiring and moving to southern NM. I plan to build a 1600 sq ft shop and play with my cars until I am too old to do so. Since I will be on a meager pension and ss, hopefully I can make a few extra bucks with some side jobs. It seems as though there’s always someone that needs work done on their cars. I am looking forward to leaving the overcrowded, lawless Seattle area for a smaller city and sunny weather.

Bing watching Yellowstone curled up next to my wife.

Happy New Year to everyone! We are just watching the tv coverage of the New Years Bash from Nashville, wishing I was there for some Jack’s BBQ and a late night ice cream stop at Legendairy’s 😋

I love Nashville, it’s our home away from home. I miss BB Kings, grateful for all the good times I experienced there…

Here’s to a full and prosperous New Year with everything you guys need for a great 2024! Good riddance to 2023 we need so much more from 2024, good LORD willing and His blessings to us all.

Lynda and I just hung out 12/31/2023 to watch aall the football games. Once they were over I got caught up on some techie stuff for a client, and now finally going over long overdue 7171Mustangs postings. Nww Year day ought to be quiet for us.



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Happy new year everyone!
Let’s see what 2024 will bring us!
On my part, I know already this one should bring tons of welding! 😄

To the ones that mentioned Dick Clark's NY bash. Since he's gone, it does not seem to have what magic he had. I caught a couple of places on a network internet page live. I lasted about 15 minutes and went back to watching some favorite YouTube videos. I'm glad you are all here safe and sound.

I'm told Ryan Seacrest was a host on New Years Eve. Is that guy even relevant to today's market? I do like Green Day, their MAGA comment not so much, but at least a rock band was on. Still, I didn't watch.

To the ones that mentioned Dick Clark's NY bash. Since he's gone, it does not seem to have what magic he had. I caught a couple of places on a network internet page live. I lasted about 15 minutes and went back to watching some favorite YouTube videos. I'm glad you are all here safe and sound.
NYE is not the same without Dick 🤣 Clark 😂😂😂😂

I was in San Benito Guatemala with my Fiancé visiting her family. Lots of delicious homemade food and a ton of fireworks. Her mom even taught me how to properly roll tamales.

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I will be up to watch the new year arrive. I hope to see some fireworks, even if only in a neighborhood.\n\nAnd I wish each of you a great happy, healthy, good cash flow 2024. Best wishes." }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "'71 - '73 Vintage Ford Mustang Forum", "alternateName": "7173Mustangs", "description": " is a community forum designed especially for fans & owners of the 1971, 1972 and 1973 Ford Mustang! Forums for all aspects of vintage Ford Mustangs.", "url": "", "logo": "" } }

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