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Out out 2022…..?????

craydarr Avatar
1000 Yearer
Mar 19, 2022 14:31:16 GMT
hunter1 Avatar
Oxford was the best night of the tour by a distance - different dynamic onstage as Andy Bown stayed behind his keyboards all night, adding some guitar but not coming forward. He might have been told to stay there, or might have had a bad foot, who knows, but it made for a better show.

Interesting one there as I noticed that Andy didn’t come from behind the keyboards, I thought when he was walking across the stage he seemed to be quite stiff. Perhaps he’d pulled a muscle in his back ?
craydarr Avatar
1000 Yearer
Mar 22, 2022 13:18:48 GMT
Sorry for late reply on report but i have been away for the weekend.

Anywho, Great night on Thursday, as previously stated I really liked Laurence Jones, nice it of blues rock with a decent voice and I loved the sound of the guys Hammond organ. One of the best supports I have seen for Quo in a good while and he went down well with the crowd. I may go and see him on his uk tour as he’s playing Southampton.

Over to Quo, whether it’s because I had a long break seeing them or not, I don’t know but I REALLY enjoyed the gig.

As previously stated I was up in the gods and was sitting for the whole gig for the first time ever and it was by far the smallest place I’ve seen them play in the 40 + years I’ve been following them. The capacity of the place is 1800, down below in the circle and stalls it was rammed, but up in the gods it was about 2/3 full.

We all know the set list by now and I have to say I like it, the 2 additional tracks played from backbone sounded far better than expected and pretty heavy I thought. I thought they were ok album tracks and the heaviness of them live brought out a better side for me.
I’m glad The Wanderer and SBYBIL have gone and I’m still not tired of BOTE and Oriental, the track I would get rid of is Hold You Back as that’s a tired track for me now. I also don’t have a problem with PP as the sole encore.

Rossi was on good form and the whole band seemed to be having a good time, smiles and laughing all round. As previously reported tho I did notice Andy didn’t leave the keys even before it was reported on here.

I wasn’t sure if I was gonna go to Bournemouth at the end of the year, but on the strength of Thursday I think I will as they were too good to waste the opportunity, Whilst we still can.
mortified Avatar
Mar 23, 2022 8:19:27 GMT
I can't imagine Andy will have been told to stay put. It'll be some minor medical issue, I'm sure. 

I take it he sang Whatever You Want from where he was then? 

Everyone seems to be enjoying this tour, including the band. The venues are a little smaller, although that changes a little for the winter tour. I'm not mad on arenas anyway but I appreciate the facilities are probably better backstage. 

I actually thought initially that Backing Off in particular wasn't a good live fit. But I've since seen a YouTube video of it from somewhere (Hull maybe?) and I've changed my mind. It sounded well good and better than the album version. 
craydarr Avatar
1000 Yearer
Mar 23, 2022 9:58:11 GMT
mortified Avatar
I can't imagine Andy will have been told to stay put. It'll be some minor medical issue, I'm sure. 

I take it he sang Whatever You Want from where he was then? 

Everyone seems to be enjoying this tour, including the band. The venues are a little smaller, although that changes a little for the winter tour. I'm not mad on arenas anyway but I appreciate the facilities are probably better backstage. 

I actually thought initially that Backing Off in particular wasn't a good live fit. But I've since seen a YouTube video of it from somewhere (Hull maybe?) and I've changed my mind. It sounded well good and better than the album version. 

Yeh he did sing from there, I have some clips I took so I will try to put them up if I can. For some reason I have problems uploading from my phone, it’s probably down to me.

Backing Off had a “rawness” to it live which I loved, I think that’s what changed it for me.

I saw Richie and Leon in passing at the back of the theatre as they were going for a pint, I didn’t want to pester them but Richie did say the tour was going well and they were enjoying it.

Rossi to me seemed very relaxed and he gave me the impression he was glad to be doing it again.

Just a question tho. have the band always come to the front and taken a bow collectively before things kick off, ie Leon coming to the front before going to his kit. It just stood out for me this time, perhaps I’ve only just noticed it ??
mortified Avatar
Mar 23, 2022 10:29:22 GMT
craydarr Avatar
mortified Avatar
I can't imagine Andy will have been told to stay put. It'll be some minor medical issue, I'm sure. 

I take it he sang Whatever You Want from where he was then? 

Everyone seems to be enjoying this tour, including the band. The venues are a little smaller, although that changes a little for the winter tour. I'm not mad on arenas anyway but I appreciate the facilities are probably better backstage. 

I actually thought initially that Backing Off in particular wasn't a good live fit. But I've since seen a YouTube video of it from somewhere (Hull maybe?) and I've changed my mind. It sounded well good and better than the album version. 

Just a question tho. have the band always come to the front and taken a bow collectively before things kick off, ie Leon coming to the front before going to his kit. It just stood out for me this time, perhaps I’ve only just noticed it ??

I must admit, I never noticed that in Liverpool. Or never paid attention maybe. But, no, I don't recall them ever doing that before. They tend to walk on and wave a bit; individually. These days anyway. In the past it would depend on whether or not the stage was in darkness and how they opened the set. Spotlight solely on Rick etc. 

Both Mrs Mortified and my sister thought Francis rambled on like an old bloke at times  :D   But he's always been a bit like that. Does all his talking during the first third or so of the gig and tends to wander off on tangents as the mood takes him. He was obviously chatty when we saw him. 
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pressbutton Avatar
Special Forces
Mar 23, 2022 13:19:02 GMT
mortified Avatar
craydarr Avatar
Just a question tho. have the band always come to the front and taken a bow collectively before things kick off, ie Leon coming to the front before going to his kit. It just stood out for me this time, perhaps I’ve only just noticed it ??
I must admit, I never noticed that in Liverpool. Or never paid attention maybe. But, no, I don't recall them ever doing that before. They tend to walk on and wave a bit; individually. These days anyway. In the past it would depend on whether or not the stage was in darkness and how they opened the set. Spotlight solely on Rick etc. 

Both Mrs Mortified and my sister thought Francis rambled on like an old bloke at times  :D   But he's always been a bit like that. Does all his talking during the first third or so of the gig and tends to wander off on tangents as the mood takes him. He was obviously chatty when we saw him. 
He is an old bloke! Unfortunately we are all older now - the years pass and catch up with us! Rossi always seems to go off at a tangent on stage - it's his persona. On the talking tour he could do that a lot. 
mortified Avatar
Mar 23, 2022 14:26:26 GMT
pressbutton Avatar
mortified Avatar
I must admit, I never noticed that in Liverpool. Or never paid attention maybe. But, no, I don't recall them ever doing that before. They tend to walk on and wave a bit; individually. These days anyway. In the past it would depend on whether or not the stage was in darkness and how they opened the set. Spotlight solely on Rick etc. 

Both Mrs Mortified and my sister thought Francis rambled on like an old bloke at times  :D   But he's always been a bit like that. Does all his talking during the first third or so of the gig and tends to wander off on tangents as the mood takes him. He was obviously chatty when we saw him. 
He is an old bloke! Unfortunately we are all older now - the years pass and catch up with us! Rossi always seems to go off at a tangent on stage - it's his persona. On the talking tour he could do that a lot. 

That's true. Can't get my head round it though. We've grown old together  :???:  

Don't think I ramble yet but I'm not best placed to judge  :D  
craydarr Avatar
1000 Yearer
Mar 23, 2022 17:44:27 GMT
mortified Avatar
pressbutton Avatar
He is an old bloke! Unfortunately we are all older now - the years pass and catch up with us! Rossi always seems to go off at a tangent on stage - it's his persona. On the talking tour he could do that a lot. 
That's true. Can't get my head round it though. We've grown old together  :???:  

Don't think I ramble yet but I'm not best placed to judge  :D  

You should try re-reading some of your posts mate 😆😆

Sorry but I couldn’t resist 🙂
mortified Avatar
Mar 24, 2022 7:10:00 GMT
craydarr Avatar
mortified Avatar
That's true. Can't get my head round it though. We've grown old together  :???:  

Don't think I ramble yet but I'm not best placed to judge  :D  

You should try re-reading some of your posts mate 😆😆

Sorry but I couldn’t resist 🙂

I haven't got the time  :D  
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function insertMobileAd(adUnitPath) { googletag.cmd.push(function() { if (adUnitPath == 'ProBoards_com_Mobile_FirstInThread') { googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/'+adUnitPath, [[320, 50], [300, 250]], adUnitPath).addService(googletag.pubads()); } else { googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/'+adUnitPath, [320, 50], adUnitPath).addService(googletag.pubads()); } deployads.push(function() { deployads.gpt.display(adUnitPath); }); }); } function createVSThreadWrapper(wrapperID = '') { let threadWrapper = document.createElement('tr'); let threadCell = document.createElement('td'); threadCell.style = 'padding: 9px 0;'; threadWrapper.style = "border-bottom: 2px solid #000; border-top: 2px solid #000;" let threadPos = document.createElement('div'); threadPos.id = wrapperID; threadPos.style = 'min-height: 250px; padding: 9px 0;'; threadWrapper.appendChild(threadCell); threadCell.appendChild(threadPos); return threadWrapper; } // Not in View Code function hidePrimisSlider() { document.querySelector('#primisSlider #primis_container_div div').style.right = '-400px'; } function initializeSliderBehaviour(discoveryContainer, sliderPlacement) { window.addEventListener('primisPlayerInit', function (e) { if (e.detail.playerApiId == sliderPlacement) { let primisPlayer = e.detail; let threshold = 0.1; document.querySelector('#primisSlider #primis_container_div div').style.transition = 'right 0.5s'; let obs = new IntersectionObserver(function(i) { if (i[0].intersectionRatio > threshold) { primisPlayer.pause(); hidePrimisSlider() } else { primisPlayer.play(); } }, {threshold: threshold}); obs.observe(discoveryContainer); // Handle edge case for discovery player floating for users on desktop and mobile resolution function checkPrimisFloat() { let primisFloatDiv = document.querySelector('.primis-wrapper [id^=primis_player]'); if (primisFloatDiv && primisFloatDiv.style.position == "fixed") { primisPlayer.pause(); hidePrimisSlider(); } } document.addEventListener('scroll', checkPrimisFloat, true) primisPlayer.addEventListener('adStarted',checkPrimisFloat); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', checkPrimisFloat, true); primisPlayer.addEventListener('adSkip', function (e) { dataLayer.push({ event: "adSkipPrimisSlider" }); }); } }); } function createPrimisSrc(primisPlacement) { let primis = document.createElement('script'); primis.id = 'primis'; primis.type = 'text/javascript'; primis.language = 'javascript'; primis.src = "https://live.primis.tech/live/liveView.php?s="+primisPlacement+"&kv_3=proboards.com&playerApiId="+primisPlacement; primis.async = true; return primis; } function insertPrimisPlacement() { let proboardsWrapper = createVSThreadWrapper(); let primisDiscovery = document.createElement('div'); primisDiscovery.id = "primisContainer"; primisDiscoveryScript = createPrimisSrc(118308); primisDiscovery.style.minHeight = '330px'; primisDiscovery.appendChild(primisDiscoveryScript); let primisSlider = document.createElement('div'); primisSlider.id = "primisSlider"; primisSliderScript = createPrimisSrc(118242); primisSlider.appendChild(primisSliderScript); let primisInsertionDiv = proboardsWrapper.firstChild.firstChild; primisInsertionDiv.appendChild(primisDiscovery); primisInsertionDiv.appendChild(primisSlider); return proboardsWrapper; } function experimentLayout() { if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/thread") === 0) { let adUnitPath = 'ProBoards_com_Mobile_FirstInThread'; let firstPost = document.querySelector('.post.first'); let threadWrapper = createVSThreadWrapper(adUnitPath); if (window.vsRunPrimis && ("0" === "0")) { let secondPost = document.querySelector('.post:not(.first)'); secondPost.after(threadWrapper); let primisInsertion = insertPrimisPlacement(); firstPost.after(primisInsertion); let discoveryContainer = document.querySelector('#primisContainer'); initializeSliderBehaviour(discoveryContainer, 118242); } else { firstPost.after(threadWrapper); } insertMobileAd(adUnitPath); } else { let elgiblePositions = document.querySelectorAll('.board.item,.thread.item'); for(i=0;i<elgiblePositions.length;i++) { if (window.pageYOffset + elgiblePositions[i].getBoundingClientRect().top > (document.documentElement.clientHeight - 50) || i == elgiblePositions.length-1) { if (document.querySelector('.board')) { adUnitPath = 'ProBoards_com_Mobile_ForumListInContent'; } else { adUnitPath = 'ProBoards_com_Mobile_ForumViewInContent'; } let threadWrapper = document.createElement('tr'); let threadCell = document.createElement('td'); threadCell.style = 'padding: 9px 0;'; threadCell.colSpan = 2; let threadPos = document.createElement('div'); threadPos.style = 'min-height:50px;'; threadWrapper.appendChild(threadCell); threadCell.appendChild(threadPos); threadPos.id = adUnitPath; elgiblePositions[i].after(threadWrapper); insertMobileAd(adUnitPath); break; } } } } if (window.vsexp) { experimentLayout(); }

var _comscore = _comscore || []; _comscore.push({ c1: "2", c2: "6036030" }); (function() { var s = document.createElement("script"), el = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.async = true; s.src = "https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/cs/6036030/beacon.js"; el.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el); })();

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